1st day on Duromine

  • Author SaraMegan
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Reading through some of these blogs makes me excited to think that I too could loose wait. I have reached my heaviest at 84kg I'm 153cm so I'm classed as obese. I am only on 15mg as I have high blood pressure which is controlled with tablets. I guess starting the week of Easter is silly but I will give most the chocolates to hubby and the kids.


Of course you can! And you will! Just be careful and monitor you BP and everything will be super. The main thing is to think positive in every task of your life, it works I promise. Do not afraid of failure until you get one. And if you fail for some reason, just come here and ask for a big hug and advice to get up on your feet again. You are always welcomed here. Hugs!
I started on Good Friday, was going to wait till after Easter, but have always put it off so decided now and have completed my first week. 3.5 down. On 40mg have Blood pressure but not effecting it at all, so happy about that. Cant believe I had no Chocolates as I am a Chocoholic. Ha ha. I just said no thanks.
You will do well.

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  • S
    Lost 1 lousy kilo
    Well Duromine 15 has all the side effects as the 30mg one but without the whole effect of...

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