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  • Author LaurenElla
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey :)
Just had a few questions.
1. With the side affects do they go away if you stop taking the duromine?
Ive only been given 30 tablets but am so scared.
2. Can i start off by only taking 1 every 2 days ?
3. Will i get permanent damage to my heart if i take them?

I am a very unhealthy 27 year old who weighs more now then she did full term with her baby in 2015. 124kgs. My goal is to get into a routine and break some over eating bad habits with just the one course of tablets.


Hello LaurenElla! Welcome to the forum!

To your questions…

1. Side effects usually do go away, when you stop Duromine, but how fast they do it depends on your body peculiarities and on how long you have been on it.

2. Yes, you can

3. Permanent heart damage ”related with the use of Duromine”, as research has shown, was caused by the second active ingredient, which was part of the Fen-Phen medication (Fenfluramine/phentermine).

I wish you all the luck on your way! Believe in yourself and never doubt your willpower!

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