• Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Looking back on the past year and what I have achieved.
I began 2014 overweight and very unhealthy. My New Years resolution was to lose weight and get fit, as it has been for the past several years :cool:. It lasted only a couple of days. Like most years, I fell quickly into bad habits :oops:.
I began studying and struggled to climb the four flights of stairs to my classroom each day.
One day I was visiting my younger sister. She was on medication for high blood pressure, is pre diabetic and a similar weight to me. I looked at her struggling to complete simple tasks without becoming sweaty and having to have a rest. I also realized that my dad has weight related issues high blood pressure, diabetes, blocked arteries needing surgery, joint problems, high cholesterol.
Something in me clicked. I HAD TO DO SOMETHING.
I booked in to see my GP. Not really sure if he could do anything. I was prescribed Duromine and a series of blood tests to check everything was ok.
This proved to be a turning point in my life :)
Blood tests were fortunately good. No diabetes. Not menopausal. Cholesterol good. Vitamin D and iron levels good. There was some question about my thyroid but mostly I have been very lucky and dodged a bullet.
The past 6 months I have developed better habits. I am eating much smaller portions and moving way more. Exercise is a part of my life now. I make much healthier choices all of the time. :laughing:
I am entering 2015 30 kg lighter than this time last year with a much healthier outlook. I can do so much more. A couple of days ago we went on a high ropes course called the Sky Trail. I would not have done this last year. I am so proud of myself.
I am now venturing on a fitness program. 2015 is going to be the year when I not only reach my weight loss goals (I still have about 20 kg to go) but I am also going to get fit and strong. I know I will do it. I have achieved so much already and can see how it is benefiting me.
Thank you to all the people on the site here who have supported and inspired me. It has helped me in a huge way.
I am looking forward to this year with an enthusiasm and excitement greater than I can remember.
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