25th October 2011 - Day 1

  • Author Janey
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
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28 Years Young! :laughing:
CW: 99.4Kgs
Height: 162cm (Shorty)
GW: Whatever i can get off really but 10Kgs would be a nice start!
BMI: 37.9
Duromine: 30mgs
Non Drinker
Non Smoker

Tuesday 25th October Day 1 - Took tablet at about 10am straight after i filled script. (Bit keen, i know). Went straight to work. Had heaps to do. I Manage to get it all done quite quickly. Tablet kicked in within an hour. Couldn't stop talking. All in all felt better than i expected. Didn't eat all day. Had a peach for dinner because it didn't feel right not eating. Dry mouth happen quite early. Drank plenty. Slept fine. Went to bed around 11pm Woke up a couple of times through the night, but went straight back to sleep. I can fall asleep in any situation so not a problem. Ask me again tomorrow, it might be a different story.

Wednesday 26th October Day 2 - Woke up at 7am bright eyed and bushy tailed. At this point, i realised how serious this drug is. I'm never that awake in the morning. Got up and done things i usually don't do that time in the morning. I dont have to work for the rest of the week so was good being at home and off my face! Haha. No, it's not that bad. I managed to control it by sitting down and reading and keeping occupied in normal things like washing not scrubbing the roof tiles or the neighbors roof tiles. No negatives as yet. Still dry mouth with funny taste. Drinking plenty of water. I've made more trips to the loo today than i have in a week, I'm sure. I'm still not hungry but have to eat so had weetbix for breakfast, a slice of grain toast with tomato for lunch and about to have some tuna for dinner. I hope this gets better eventually. I forced myself to eat. I'm going to have to come up with a better diet plan (i.e Steamed Vegies and fruit) sufficient enough to have proper nutrients. It's now 7pm and feeling quite tired. Looks like i'll be getting to bed early tonight.

Day 2
Start Weight: 99.4kgs
Current Weight: 97.4kgs
Weight loss to date: 2kgs (Thats right, 2 kilos!!)

Mostly just fluids though, but still happy. Will be interesting to see what tomorrow has in store.

Thursday 27th October Day 3 - Woke up again all bright eyed and bushy tailed. I tossed and turn a little bit before bed last night. It took a lil while longer to fall asleep. Today, still dry mouth. Plenty of fluids. Started the day with 2 weetbix. A slice of grained toast and a bit of grilled fish for lunch. Snacked out on fruit all day and finished off with a ton of steamed vegies. Got full very quickly though. 30 mins of exercise this morning. Get the metabolism going. Felt ok up until lunch then got a bit tired. I rested for bit and got back to chores. I still feel the light-headiness but had a good day generally. Driving felt a bit weird. Had to keep telling myself to concentrate extra harder. A good day for me. Will be interesting when i have to go back to work next week.

Day 3
Start Weight: 99.4kgs
Current Weight: 96.2kgs
Weight loss to date: 3.2kgs


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