• Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
whooo wheeee ... what a crazy experience day 1 WAS ... started D 40 mg yesterday .. had this annoying , buzz/ dizzy/ cotton wool head ..not sure how to describe it. but it is like having no control over your body and mind in a way ... that did not go away at all , drank water but not as much as I DID on 30 mg which I found to be strange , only got to bed after midnight , not good, as I was just getting into a gr8 sleeping pattern of 8 hours sleep on the 30 mg....I was expecting to be in bed by 8pm last night as I was running around the house like and energiser bunny , doing house chores, cut the grass, raked leaves, cooked up a storm for the week, and exercised ,and I was hardly tired ....After dinner, I was doing a lot of yawning but my mind was awake and still buzzing , the minute my head hit the pillow at 12pm, I was out for a count till this morning at 6am, hubby brought me a cup of coffee to wake me, hhahaha , he said I was snoring up a storm !! lol ...I woke up dog tired, no energy.. Did not feel like that on 30 mg, woke up every morning reading to go !! , could just be from all the extra activity from yesterdays chores , hahaha ..I ate all my dinner last night , did not expect to,thought the D 40 mg might have restricted more than the 30 mg but no .. Still have that buzz, light headed, feeling this morning, decided not to take D today, and see how it goes with my appetite and my energy, will continue with magnesium, and primrose oil , and my thyroid meds of course, and exercise for the day and meals planned ,if the buzz goes by tomorrow morning I will take D again, Doc says that D can remain in the body and function 24 hours and up to two days in some cases , so going to see which category I fall into while on 40mg.. if my weight loss is no greater than when I wa on 30 mg, I will go back to 30mcg, but for now will give this a bash and see what weigh in day{Friday } reveals.. keep going everyone , we will eventually find our individual path that works for us ...
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