46.9 BMI - WHOA!! Here we go...

  • Author supremekerry
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
Realised I was putting my thoughts on my introduction post so think best I put it on a blog. Its really just a desperate attempt to make me accountable for my own actions lol

I remembered today the terrible 'nickname' my father used to call me "Fatty". God I hated that, but not as much as the abuse he dished out from when I was 9 to 15. Funnily enough I was slim until then. A counsellor would probably say I ate to make myself less attractive. Yep probably. But that was a long time ago now. Im 40 now so I need to get it sorted.

Ive tried optifast and other shake diets, always seem to end up vomiting it and then avoiding drinking it so just skipping meals till I am too weak. Sureslim - the plan of eating breaky then nothing for 5 hours then lunch nothing for 5 hours I found too hard! I broke it within days. Also the flaxseed and olive oil - yuk! They said just drink it down. Gross (no offence if you enjoy this - more power to you) When I went to the follow ups there was a lady who was very large (considerably larger than me) who berated me for eating a piece of fruit inbetween, she would tell me she had been on the plan for a long time and she could stick to it so why couldn't I? Yes I know I should have been happy that it was a large person preaching rather than someone who had never been overweight but somehow it really made me question - if you have been on this for a long period of time and are still this size what hope do I have? Bad I know, but I'm being honest (please don't take offence if anyone does happen to read this, I don't intend that, ignore my post and jog along :) )

I have the best of intentions every time I try to eat healthy but I just love food way too much. I know at my BMI it is probably classified that I have a mental health problem to eat that much but honestly Im not mad, sad or crazy. I just see something and think yum going to eat that one, maybe two, three would be better lol

I find it is impossible to find a good GP, are family GPs all gone? It seems its all big medical practices with everything you need in one spot - which is great BUT I find just as a I build a rapport with one GP they leave, never to be seen again. Do these place pay the GPs poorly so they move along? Not sure. Ive had various health issues and I undoubtedly get told its all just because I am fat. Yes I get it, I am fat, I do have a mirror. I feel I have to beg them to look past that as obesity cant possibly be the case of everything, but I am sure plenty would tell me I am wrong. One example 2 years ago I was really run down, pain in my side, extreme fatigue. Its because you are fat, yep but I have been fat for years why all of a sudden this sudden downturn due to being 'fat' when I have not gotten any fatter, infact I have lost a bit of weight without trying? Anyway long story short eventually found I had a tennis ball sized tumour on my adrenal gland needed to be removed asap (benign thankfully)

Anyway I digress, I have PCOS both ovaries covered in many small cysts. I take metformin to help with insulin resistance, spironolactone for fluid retention and its said to help with excess hair growth (doesnt seem to help with that in my opinion if any PCOS girls read this and are interested) So the new medical centre after I moved, I have pain in my finger joint and rash on my neck - yep its because you are fat. I said to the Doctor please, I know I am fat, but always dismissing on that? Really? She said well people dont like their Doctor saying to them they are fat they get offended but the reality is they are and they just dont see it so they need a Doctor to shock them. Ok I accept that, but I am not offended you are calling me out on being fat I KNOW I am, but maybe help me do something about it.

So she gave me a script for Duromine 30mg. Suggested if I can't tolerate it / don't stick to it she could refer me for bariatric surgery. Great, I'm going to do my best. So here begins the journey

Height 160cm
BMI 46.9
Weight 120kg
Start date 23/3/2017
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Hi, SupremeKerry! I love my food too! It is all just so yummy! I understand how you feel about doctors too. I have been through about 15 over the last 8 yrs, and none will look at my symptoms in relation to my under-active thyroid, they just see the weight and blame that for all my issues. So fed up, I just said, "Ok fine, I'll lose the weight, then you'll see!" (yes, very mature of me!).

Good luck on your journey, and I hope that you win against the "Drs against fat" machine! I'll be watching with interest :)
I hear ya girl, i had some issues with my feet when i was 17 and the pain was surreal. I went and saw a doctor and he flat out told me " its because your fat" word for word. Since then ive never really seen a doctor. Its hard to get that confidence:(
Yes its so true, the Doctors want us to lose the weight but helping with medical problems will help us be more active to get moving to lose the weight.

Anyway... week 1 over!!

Lots of nights without sleep but I think I am starting to adjust to the tablet but the downside is hunger has been sneaking back in but I am trying to resist! It was my birthday yesterday so I let myself have a chocolate bar and a carton of hot chips lol I know people will say cant slip back but I did stop there and back on the wagon today.

Weigh in the morning is 116.1kg (hope these scales are correct :( I have used them for the first weigh in and will use them for each weigh in) so that is -4.1kg. Fingers crossed that is correct. BMI now 45.3. Hey it came down.

I will admit I am nervous that it will keep coming down and its not just due to water loss. Tolerating 40 mins exercise each day (walking with the dog) hoping I can get more time to myself to exercise a bit more.
Hi Supremekerry! It’s great that your side effects are subsiding! If your hunger is back, try to review your diet a bit. If hunger comes by the evening, make sure your last meal contains protein. If it’s hard to resists hunger between the main meals, have some healthy snacks, like, nuts, seeds, fruit, vegetables, protein foods (yogurt, egg, cottage cheese). Though. Of course, better be careful with nuts and seeds since these are high in calories. Still, they help fight hunger. And, of course, don’t forget about water.

Happy birthday!!! May all your wishes come true! Tons of health, wealth and happiness!!! And, of course, more time to exercise each day! =)

BRAVO for continuing with healthy eating after having a relaxing day. =)

Congratulations on the weight loss! It’s a great result!! More than 4 kgs down in just a week… incredible. A fantastic motivation to keep going! =)

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