6.6kg loss in 4 weeks

  • Author IWantToBeHappy
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
So today marked the end of my first 4 weeks on 30mg Duromine.
SW 85.7kg
Week 1 - lost 3kg
Week 2 - lost 1.3kg
Week 3 - lost 1.1kg
Week 4 - lost 1.2kg
CW 79.1kg
Total lost = 6.6kg

I am over the moon

Look, there have been days when I have thought (either due to bordom and/or stress) that this would normally be one of those times when I would binge eat, but for the last 4 weeks whenever I get those feelings I say to myself "for gods sake stop trying to kid yourself. You are trying to loss weight and you have to make the most of this duromine opportunity. Stop making excuses and take some responsibility. You're feeling good, you're feeling proud, nothing is ever going to taste as good as this feels" and it works!!!!

I think the thing I'm most proud of is that I've cut out alcohol. Besides one evening at a festival (and i had planned to have a wine that evening so didnt take my duromine that morning) i havent touched alcohol for 4 weeks. And that's massive for me as I always would have a wine with dinner. I love wine, I appreciate wine, my 5 dozen bottle wine fridge is always full of the most beautiful wines. Wine is one of my passions. But Everyone knows you don't drink alcohol if you want to maximise your weight loss success!!!! In the past I would always make excuses for still having a drink, "oh its only one", "but i like it and it helps me relax after a long busy day", "I've counted it into my calories for today" blah blah blah. But common, if I'm serious, its my actions of changing my habits whilst on Duromine that will be what keeps this weight off.

I'm also so proud of myself that I've had no soft drink for the past 4 weeks. I am a diet coke addict but once again, im serious about making the most of this opportunity.

Everyone is different, and people need to do what works for them. But for me, if I make an excuse for one thing, I'm more likely to make an excuse for other things aswell, and that behaviour of making excuses is not actually 'changing' my habbits and lifestyle, it's just having a mentality that some days I'll be good and other days I won't.

The best feeling is one of feeling happier and healthier and to me that is a greater reward in life than a bag of chips and a bar of chocolate. I wish i was one of those people who can eat as much junk food as i like and not put on weight. But im not!! Some people say "oh one piece of chocolate won't hurt" but for me, it's easier to say NO to that first piece of chocolate than it is to say No to that second piece.

I was wanting to go back to Dr today and ask for a second months prescription but dr won't be back until monday , so that changes my plans but I'll be ok because I'm positive and I'm determined and I'm committed!!!!!

It's a longer blog than I wanted to write but I had stuff I needed to say and this is my way of encouraging myself and keeping myself accountable. I also find when I read other peoples blogs and posts about their own weight loss success and that they have a no excusses mentality, I feel even more inspired and determined to be accountable and succeed! I hope in turn, my post can give someone reading it a lightbulb moment too :)

I wish everyone a healthy and happy weekend and that you achieve all that you set out to xx
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