6 weeks on Duromine 30mg

  • Author IWantToBeHappy
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
SW = 85.7kg

Week 1 - 3kg
Week 2 - 1.3kg
Week 3 - 1.1kg
Week 4 - 1.2kg
Week 5 - 0.7kg
Week 6 - 1.9kg

CW = 76.5kg

That's 9.2kg lost in 6 weeks.

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wow that weightloss is awesome! i hope mine will be the same :) i just started my third week. and my starting weight is practically the same as yours haha you've given me a goal to reach in 6-7 weeks! Can i ask how much exercise you did and what you ate during your weeks? :) again congrats on the 9.2kg loss!!
Hi Annie :) Thank you for your lovely words!!

I'm 164 or 165 cm tall (I can never remember which lol)

As far as exercise goes I can't really say I'm doing much. I don't go to the gym or exercise at home or any of those good things. I'll try to walk to the post office instead of drive so that is about 3 x 20 minute walks each week. I'll try to park my car a bit further away when I go to the shops and walk the longer way if possible. The last couple of weekends my Fiance and I have walked down to the beach (we normally drive) so that's about 30 minutes walking each way, and if I'm just standing around I'll jiggle my legs abit just for some movement lol I don't do this in public though cos then I would get some really awkwards stares haha. Basically, I'm not doing a hell of a lot of exercise. I credit all this weight loss to my eating and what Im NOT eating!!!!

1) I have cut out ALL alcohol. I personally think good wine is one of life's little pleasures :rolleyes: but you simply can't expect to loose weight if you have a wine every night!:oops:
2) I have cut out ALL soft drink (and I was a diet coke junkie!!!:eek:) this crap makes you bloated, stimulates your sweet cravings and rotts your insides!!. I only drink water, herbal teas, and skinny lattes.

3) I have cut out all sugar, butter and cheese. Basically, if its yellow it's going to not be friendly to the scales.

4) I calorie count EVERYTHING!!!

5) I weight myself everyday. This helps me because I can identify quickly if something I'm consuming is helping or hindering my weightloss.

For breakfasts ill always have a skinny latte, and the rest will vary between an apple, allbran and yogurt, or fruit and yogurt. I noticed I lost more weight if I didn't have toast for breakfast.

Lunch is ALWAYS a lean turkey sandwich with lettuce and 2 pieces of multigrain bread. No butter, no dressing, no salt. Boring I know but it's working for me at this stage.

Dinner is generally a low fat frozen dinner (between 300-400cals) these work for me at the moment because they are healthy, balanced, portioned controlled, and varied in taste. I need all the help I can get!!!

Snacks are apple, carrot, or skinny latte. I had low fat muslie bars in the beginning but noticed I lost more weight if I just stuck to the above 3 snackes.

If my Fiance has anything yummy, like pizza, hot chips, biscuits etc, i just stick my nose in the packet and take a big sniff lol and feel like Im not missing out lol. Not ONCE have a had them. And I pat myself on the back everyday for that.

I guess for me it's been my mind set and making myself totally accountable with a no nonsence approach. I want to lose the weight and only I can do it and my health simply can't afford to slack off somedays and eat crap. I am tired of trying to kid myself that one little biscuit won't hurt. Well, if you are over weight enough to qualify to be prescribed Duromine, then one little biscuit WILL hurt because its just the start of the old habbits returning.

Everyone is different with what works for them so please don't think I'm having a go, I'm just saying how I'm going about it and my approach to how I'm going to overcome this crappiness of being over weight.

Good luck with your journey and I hope you found something in my post useful :p

Omg :eek: I've just seen how long that post was!!!
Sorry :oops:
oh awesome! don't worry about it being too long, I still read all of it haha thats really good! If this isn't going to go too long then I'll do the same :)

So for exercise, i go to the gym with my dad a few times a week :) it isnt a DIY gym, its all classes (which helps me because theres someone yelling at me. I wouldn't be able to do it on my own). I do RPM (cycling) twice a week and then weights once or twice (i looove weights). I also do squats, planks, leg raises and crunches every night.

I cut out all sugar, fizzies and 'bad' foods. I use My Fitness Pal to calculate everything and I try to drink as much water as I can. I sometimes break and have a pepsi max, but its doesn't deter me fro my mission! ITS GOOD YOU CUT OUT ALCOHOL. Alcohol and coffee/caffeine IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU ON DUROMINE. It induces sleep problems and can bring up other, more severe, problems if you abuse them. I've changed to decaf and no alcohol.

Breakfast: Usually porridge or a boiled egg and a decaf coffee :)
Lunch: wholegrain wrap, raw sushi, salad. anything that is low in cals and is easy to make :)
Dinner: unfortunately I don't have control over this (I'm 19 and still live with the parents), so i choose the stuff from whats available thats good and steer away from the bad stuff.

Hope you're going well too :) x
Sounds like you're on top of it all!!! Well done!!

Can't wait to hear how you go after your first weigh in ;)
thanks! That'll be when i go to my doctors in week 5 (just started week 3) :) I don't really want to weigh myself before then because I want to see what a difference this has done to my body, instead of beating myself up about it each week. And because I've been doing weightlifting, i don't expect it to be a massive amount, because muscle weighs more than fat afterall. I couldn't really care what the scales say, as long as I'm happy and comfortable in my own skin :)

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