6th day and still very shaky.

  • Author nadiafarhat
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi peoples !

Im feeling a little crappy today just because I got my period but other than that I feel positive about my new lifestyle.

I have been doing cardio 40-60 mins everyday this week. Had a day off yesterday due to cramping but might go today for 30mins.

I still am having broken sleep and don't have much energy like in the first few days. My body is definitely adjusting to me eating MUCH less but that's to be expected.
Im hungry constantly, don't know if that's normal and today my heart was beating a little too fast. Felt light headed. I will continue to soldier on though as I am determined to lose this baby weight !

weekly weigh in on Monday. so excited !

kisses xx


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