A bit About ME!!!

  • Author DreamofIVF
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hello, Im 25 and im from South Australia. I have tried so many things to help myself loose weight. Some have been successful but i am now stuck at my current weight and it wont budge. My doctor has now just given me a script for duromine to help me lose some weight as my weight loss is the only thing stopping me from starting IVF and the chance to finally become a mummy. If there is any tips on what else i can do to assist weight loss please let me know. I'm fit but fat. I weigh 106kg but i can do walks of 8km and feel fine. Good Luck to everyone in your weight loss journey xox
xox DreamofIVF xox
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I use the my fitness pal app for counting calories it's great because you can use the barcode on food products to work out the cal per serve it also counts your water and exercise & you can add your measurements and invite your friends to join you ... Hope that helps :)
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I like my apps too. I use My Fitness Pal to log my food. Map My Fitness to log my walks and bike rides and I have a Misfit tracker to track my movement. They all talk to each other so all the data is shared and if I look on my Misfit app , for example, I get data from my calories eaten as well.
I have found that being aware of calories and movement helps me enormously. Also making an effort to go on a walk or bike ride each day makes a difference too.
You will find what works for you. It needs to be a lifestyle chane though. If you don't use he d to help you change your habits, you will put it all back on when you stop.
Good luck.
Sharon xoxo
Thankyou for your comments xx I also have my fitness pal app and map my fitness. This is definately a life style change for me aswell as I want the chance to be a mummy... im taking my first 30mg tablet later in the morning ad it is 230am here and I cant sleep atm. I appreciate you both replying and hope to keep in contact xoxo
Ha ha. I hope you got some sleep!
It is now 4;15 AM!!!! and I am up as I went to bed and my brain wouldn't stop so have been tossing and turning (family dramas). I'm hoping that 30 mins on the computer will allow me to go back to sleep for a couple of hours.
Yeah got some sleep but didnt get up until late so now im bummed I have to wait until tomorrow morning to start Duromine doh!!! Hopefully you got back to sleep xoxo

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