A chilling evening

  • Author Bam Bam
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
What an evening!

It was a relatively full-on day yesterday, in all fairness. My daughter was ill with a virus, and my son had some challenging behavioural issues (he is normally a well behaved young man - probably just an off day for him I guess. We all have those from time to time). I have continued to experience the same symptoms as I described in the previous entry, but at around 3:00 pm they started to amplify.

I have been setting my alarm for 6:30 am each morning, which gives me around 15-30min to wake up before getting out of bed. I usually spend this time productively checking Facebook etc hehe okay... maybe "productively" is a bad description haha. But honestly, how am I meant to start my day without checking the crazy new stuff Trump has done and getting my daily dose of memes? Life is tough :p

I usually take my Duromine 40 mg at around 7:00-7:10 am after having breakfast (a small bowl of cereal, quick oats or one slice of toast). I tend to not feel the Duromine kick in until around 10:00 am, so a coffee is a necessity in order to transform into a fully formed human for the day.

When the Duromine kicks in, I can feel my body start to heat up - kind of like that feeling of Morphine making it's way into your system. My limbs tingle, and I get an adrenaline surge. I take a deep breath, do a big stretch, and I am good to go for the day.

Fast-forward to 3:00 pm: This is about the time I start feeling the fatigue work it's way back. I have previously felt the 3:00 pm noddys kick in before taking Duromine, but this fatigue is like getting hit by a Bus. My muscles become weak and I feel like I could fall asleep at any moment. My face begins flushing and heats up. My body is already warm from the Duromine, but I get cold sweats and chills. The strangest thing is that I have no fever. If anything, my temperature is quite low. My feet and hands become ridiculously cold - multiple pairs of socks won't even heat them up! Let me point out - I live in Brisbane, QLD.... it's February.... it's not exactly tracksuit weather here at the moment o_O.


It was a pretty terrible night sleep last night. Despite my fatigue, I couldn't get comfortable (hips and knees were aching) and it took quite a while to fall asleep. I woke a few times through the night (once for the bathroom) and at 6:00 am this morning I couldn't go back to sleep. That wasn't such a big problem as I had my alarm set for 6:30 am anyway.

This morning I took my Duromine at around 6:30 am instead of 7:00 am. I was feeling pretty good considering the poor night sleep. Energy levels were up, as was my mood. I took Panadeine Extra at around 8:30 am to help with the headache and joint pain, so by about 9:00 am I was back to normal.

it's currently 1:00 pm here now. My energy levels have waned, and the hot/cold sweats have begun early. Again, not sure if I have just caught the virus my daughter had, if it's a side-effect of Duromine that I didn't experience last time due to it being a lower dose, or whether there is something else going on related to the issues I went to the doctor for last week. I see my GP this afternoon at around 4:00 pm in any case. I should get my pathology results back, and I can ask him about the swelling in the lower right side of my neck. I will update later with the results :)


Hi, I'm in Cairns - I take 30mg about 6.30am and feel it kick in about 9.30 to 10.00am. I don't get the afternoon fatigue until about 6.00pm but by then I'm home and cooking dinner. I go to bed early and watch TV which I find helps me wind down before sleep. Some nights I have trouble sleeping but most nights it's pretty good (well as good as I slept before taking D). I've never experienced chills and/or sweats that you mention. Hope you are well.
Bam Bam
Hi Vamp Girl,

Thanks for letting me know. It can be really hard to know what is normal or not without comparing or hearing other people's experiences. I normally don't have issues getting to sleep (even on Duromine) so last night was a bit of an anomoly for me. Thank you, I hope so too! Will be seeing my Doc this afternoon, which is good timing :)

Good luck with your journey! I hope it is going well for you.

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Bam Bam
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3 min read
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