A Few Changes

  • Author Harry
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I am now on day six and have made a few changes along the way to make things a little more enjoyable. Yesterday I switched from coffee to black tea with 1 teaspoon of sugar (and I got to sleep before midnight for the first time) and have also decided to eat at meal times. My meals have changed dramatically. Yesterday around 5pm I was very dizzy and awkward. I thought about it and realised I had eaten three meals in three days mixed with a lot of water and some tea and coffee.

So I ate a sandwich (first bread in a week) and had two chocolate biscuits with a cup of tea (cold mint slice from the fridge = awesome). Funnily enough about 30min later my body felt a lot better. So now I am eating three meals a day (this is the first day of this experiment). So far it is yoghurt (with some muslie) and a piece of fresh fruit for breakfast, garden salad with tuna for lunch (didn't eat all of it but good sign, wasn't hungry but ate for the sake of health) and trying to figure out something for dinner. Last night I had a small serving of breakfast cereal with some dried fruit on top and that pretty much did me.

Probably be the same tonight. I have some cashew nuts in the fridge that I grab a handful of maybe twice a day if i am feeling a bit low. So far I have not weighed myself (there are no scales in the house) and am sticking to measurements and photos. I measured yesterday and I had lost 4 cm from around my stomach. I wasn't going to measure until day 7 but I snuck one in and it was a big boost to see a result. Tomorrow night is photo and measure time for the end of day 7. So far things are progressing although I am still very thirsty and cautious about the success I had with getting to sleep last night.


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