A Life Changing Journey Begins

Mika;1539 said:
Hi Guys

I started my Duromine journey on Tuesday 13-03-12. I am 5' 1" (155 cm) short and on Monday weighed in at 71.6Kg. May not sound like a lot but when I discovered that my ideal weight for my bone structure should be anything between 48 to 57kg I knew that I had to do something. The other problem I have, which needs serious attention, is that my husband (who is in great shape, he used to box, play soccer, rugby and all sorts of sporting activity) of 15 years is getting very frustated with me and my weight issues. Before all you ladies whack me over the head for staying with a man who "doesn't appreciate me for who I am", "love is blind" etc etc I understand all his points. Being overweight is unhealthy, uncomfortable, and as much as we would like to fool ourselves, it is UNATTRACTIVE!

So, visited my doctor (lovely lady) on Monday and she has got me on the 15mg repeat prescription for 3 months to be used in conjunction with Xenical. Barely slept for the first two nights, so worth it. Slept like the dead on Thursday and Friday. No heart palpitations, headaches etc. Just a very dry mouth, which is great considering that for once in my life I'm drinking tons of water.

So far so good:
Starting Weight: 71.6Kg
Goal Weight: 57Kg
Need to lose: 14.6Kg (Lets call it 15kg)
Weight 17-03-12: 69.5Kg (A whooping 2.1Kg off in four days!!)
Still got to lose: 12.5Kg (It can done)



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