A New Chapter

  • Author FairyDoll
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I have finally decided that enough is enough! It is time to do something about my weight and work towards a healthier and energetic me.

So I went and got a script of Duromine off my doctor, and had my first dose (30mg) today. I am excited and very committed in making sure that while I am able to take the Duromine, that I use it smartly and try to train myself into; eating less, correcting my portion sizes, making sure I eat breakfast and actually EXERCISING!

I have used Duromine before back in 2011, and I do remember losing 7kg in the first two weeks, but I didn't actually believed it and thought that the doctors scales were incorrect (haha). For some stupid reason that I can't recall I stopped using it, probably my 18 year old self not wanting to remember to take the tablet. So I have a good idea of how it will affect me and what kind of symptoms to expect.

I woke up today and had my first dose at around 8am, I'm hoping that this will still allow for me to get to sleep at a decent hour tonight. After an hour I felt pretty energised and went to my local pool and excised for an hour, then came home and ate breakfast. Im not really a big breakfast person but am trying to mend my ways, and work on having it each day.

I made myself eat something for lunch, because I know that starving myself isn't going to help in the long run. I was pleased when after eating one multigrain chicken salad roll, that I was actually really full and didn't crave anymore food (before I could have ate 3). Sometimes I feel that I only eat because it is something to do, again this is something I plan on working on over the next 6 months.

So far today has been good and I am tracking my food and exercise in a calorie counter app, which I find helps me quite a lot. I didn't really eat that much at dinner (just a salad and a small piece of steak), this is pretty small compared to my usual :p I do find though I have a little bit of a headache, so I'm thinking that may be because my body isn't use to having such little food.

So I am hoping that writing about my experience and my progress will keep me in check, as well as motivated to continue on this journey. I do have a lot to lose, but I now feel I am ready, willing and in the right mindset to do this, and hopefully with the Duromine I will have more energy to do so.

I shall be back in a week to check in :)

Start Weight: 150kg (14th December)
Current Weight : 150kg
First Goal: 125kg
Overall Goal Weight: 70 kg
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Welcome to the forum.... I find writing in my blog really helps me to be accountable... It the only place that I am truely honest about my weight & struggles I am facing ... There is so much support from the other members ... You are not alone which is a great feeling knowing there is somone who bothers to write back :)
Just thinking about your headache .. Did you drink plenty of water ??? Because when I forget to drink enough water I always get a headache ... Try upping your water intake :)
Your started on the right path by Tracking your meals/ calorie/ kilo & exercise intake is very important ... Only concern is your first goal being 25 kg loss which can take some time to lose:( & you need to keep your motivation up :) just a suggestion how about you put a little less pressure on yourself & start with a 5 kg loss because as soon & you reach that you can be looking forward to your next mini goal & then the next. It's just another way of keeping you motivated ;)
Wishing you a great week with a lighter scale ;)
Thanks so much :)
Yeah I had plenty of water.. I think it was that I needed to eat a bit more.
Ohh 25 is my big main first goal, but every 5kgs for me is going to be my mini goals :)

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