A new day!

  • Author 10th time lucky
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Good morning world!

So today is day 5 of my journey,and I have to say, I really am proud of how I am doing. I feel that I have achieved 2 (of many!) milestones so far!!
1st: I have taught myself to drink (and enjoy) herbal teas, with NO sugar!! Very happy :)
2nd: I have been to the gym 2 days in a row, and I'm loving the after gym high:)

No side effects so far, and I have been sleeping well too :) I think the exercise is helping me sleep!

On another note, I used to get headaches all the time and would take 3nurofen on a daily basis. But since I started D, I haven't taken any pain killers at all!
I have started taking a daily women's multi and also fish oil tablets, so I think that is helping too :)

I had to take my son to our family GP yesterday, as he wasn't very well. While I was there I thought I would quickly jump on the scales (the same scale used to take my starting weight) I know I said I wouldn't, but I was very curious!! :)

So....to my absolute shock, the scales stopped on 114kg's!! I screamed and jumped off! I asked the doc to check the scales and make sure they were not broken and after hopping on and off 3 times and with the same result every time, it finally registered that I had lost a MASSIVE 9kg's in 4days!!

I don't think I have ever lost this much, on any diet!! I can't tell u how much of a confidence boost this is and how much it has motivated me to push myself even harder!
So I came home and tried on a dress that I always wear and yep right enough it was too big around the bust!! So happy me at the moment!! :)

So i'll keep going on this journey, which I have now renamed 'my lifestyle change' not 'diet', as I want the new me and my new habits to be continued on for a long time, not to just stop after a few months when the D is done!

Thank u to the people who have replied to my previous post, I have tried to reply to u, but can't work it out! Lol! I'm still learning the ins and outs of this site and blogging :)

So off I go to the gym, for a 10.30 cardio circuit. Be back to update u in a few days.
Good luck all, and stay motivated. It's the first steps In a very long journey.

The New Girl.


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10th time lucky
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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