A new journey

  • Author LollaMonique
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Female 23
Hight 5ft 7
SW 100kgs
GW 65kgs
NTL 35kgs

So today I started taking duromine 30mg and have to say I don't feel it, I hear people rave about the buz it gives you but I just feel flat. worked out this morning for the first time in months and just felt sick. (20 minute walk, 20 minutes circuit in the gym) and continued to have an uneasy feeling for most of the day. I'm curious to know if you exercise and eat moderately well will it help you lose the weight faster? I've struggled with my weight all my life, never going under 90kgs even with going to the gym 5 days a week including personal training and eating extremely well ie three small main meals and snacking on almonds during the day. Spoke to my doctor about this and she and I agree this is the best way to go. I've changed my state of mind and am looking at this as a aid in helping me, not relying on it completely. But I still have my doubts as everything I've tried so far has failed. Does anyone have words of wisdom? Also please share your stories as I know they will help me ☺
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Don't be too discouraged, it will be different for everyone. I think it has a link to your bodies tolerance of chemicals. I'm on day 1 but have done it 3 years ago with success. I'd love to not have the *buzz* feeling, so I think you're lucky!
I'm tyring to keep positive about it. It just seems that things that work for others don't work for me some reason. I don't think I'll be fully convinced on it until I actually start to lose weight. So far I've gained 600gms in the two days I've Been on it.
1 week down and I'm still 100kgs, feel a little bit disappointed but trying to keep positive. The no weightloss may be because my body is getting used to it or maybe it just won't work. I've had no side effects at all and I am more hungry than normal. I will continue taking it until my script runs out and if I've not lost any weight I will most likely not continue. Fingers crossed I start seeing results.

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    Day 2 and no wait lost.
    So I'm on day 2 of 30mg duromine and I feel nothing. Haven't lost any weight, I've actually...

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