And the winner is.......... Hypothyroidism

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Not a happy camper. :mad:
Doc says I have low thyroid and will have to go off the Duromine.
I'm pretty sure he is wrong, but I will discuss that later.
So, my blood tests indicate that I have sub-clinical hypothyroidism. i.e. Low thyroid but not so bad that it is urgent.
He also said that my antibodies are very hight (normal is 60 mine was 1,000+)
Since I have arrived home, a quick google search has highlighted that people with gluten intolerance can have elevated thyroid antibodies. Many years ago (about 15) I was diagnosed with pre coeliac gluten intolerance. Basically I am not coeliac but I am gluten intolerant. Since then I have limited, but not eliminated, gluten from my diet, on and off. ATM I am eating a pretty 'normal' diet that includes bread etc. I know I am clutching at straws here, but, maybe that has something to do with it.
For the moment I can stay on the Duromine but he has only given me one more month. :oops:
In the interim, I have to have an ultrasound on my thyroid and go and see him. Then, when I have been off the Duromine for two weeks, I have to do another blood test then he will assess if I need to go on thyroxine.
I will definitely ask to see an endocrinologist and also ask about the gluten intolerance to see if I can continue with the Duromine.
The Duromine fact sheet says that people with OVERACTIVE THYROID (Hyperthyroidism not Hypothyroidism) cannot take it. It also says that people on thyroid meds need to adjust their medication while on Duromine. To me that says I just need to have my dose monitored.
So between now and 8 weeks time (6 weeks of Duromine left + 2 weeks off) I am going to get my ultrasound done, visit my doctor for results, discuss the gluten intolerance theory and avoid gluten in the hope my antibodies come down to a more normal level before my blood test.
Has anyone had experience with Duromine and Thyroid medication?
Any advice?
I really need the Duromine for longer than the six weeks my doctor has given me. I am doing well and don't want to lose momentum.
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