Another goal reached.

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Not a huge loss this week.
0.6 kg to make me now 96.7 kg.
That means I have lost 20.3 kg so far.
My 20 kilo goal has been achieved!
I have had a good couple of weeks and am happy with the 600g loss.
Next major goal is to get under 90 kilos.
OMG I cannot even remember when I was last in my nineties let alone my eighties.
So many people are noticing now. It is nice. They usually ask how I am doing it. Someone even asked if I had had lap band surgery. TBH, that was the direction I was heading if I had not found Duromine. I usually tell them that I am finally in the right head space, I was getting so big that I had to do something and I went to my doctors. I am eating less and exercising more. Some people I tell about the D, but I have learned to be selective as you can get some responses that are very judgy. Even with the D, I believe that if my head was not in the right place it would have been a struggle. The D did help get my head there though. Really, everything has to align. I had to be ready, the D helped me to stay focused and committed and get good results that kept me in the zone and still does. I don't know how many times I have started a weight loss program only to give up within a few weeks (or even days). Another thing, I have a very supportive doctor who knows me well.
Hey, even my daughters friends have commented. It is nice that the 'me' generation have noticed, I didn't think they saw anything that was not on Facebook or Instagram LOL. My daughter told me that her friends are proud of me. Made me feel all gooey inside.
I hope everyone is having a great week.
Looking forward to daylight savings (for those of us in AUS who are in the stated that do this).
Longer days, sun shining.
The only downer at the moment is the swooping magpies.

Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 96.6 (-20.3)
Goal Weight: 65 kg

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Well done on the 20kilo loss so freaking awesome! How long has this taken you?
Congrats. My goal is to lose 20kg in 3 months, not so sure if that is do-able. Can't wait to be in the double digits.
Lindelwa Mhlanga
WELL DONE!!!! 20 kg in three months must be so exciting. i recently started on the D, was wondering whether exercise would have a huge impact. its not like im a couch potato and sit the whole day, but im not a fan of the gym, nonetheless will it help? im on 103kg and would like to be on atleast 88kg by december....your post is so motivational
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I'm not a fan of the gym either. BUT exercise is important and really does speed things up. You need to find a way of moving more. If you just go to the gym and hate it you will not be able to keep it up.
What I did was get myself a movement tracker (pedometer). Mine is a Misfit and I like it because it is waterproof and also monitors sleep (the D mucked up my sleep) it also looks good, is available in lots of colours and syncs to my other apps.

I wore the tracker for a week without making any changes and was shocked at how little I actually move! So I set the goal on my tracker for the lowest it allowed (about 6,000 steps a day) and tried to hit this goal every day. Once I had hit my goal for 10 days in a row I increased it and am now regularly doing 8,000 - 10,000 steps a day. My aim is to always to be over the recommended 10,000 steps a day. I now have a 30+ day streak of reaching my goals and am loathe to break that and have to start again. Great incentive to keep it up. I'm due to increase my goal to 9,000 steps and might struggle, but it has to be done.
Also find something you love doing. I like walking and I have recently bought a pushbike, I found that I really love riding my bike except at the moment when the magpies are swooping everywhere. If the weather is foul, I hop on my treadmill while watching the TV or listening to music. Especially if I have not reached my goals for the day.
It has to be something that you like and will keep doing. It is not just a quick fix that you will stop once you reach your goal or you will be right back where you started in 12 months time. Same with the diet. Use the D to help you change bad habits and introduce healthier ones that you can continue with.
well done... you rock sister !!! hard work and perseverance has paid off, Remember to wear your bicycle cap with the tentacles to keep the magpies at bay, October is the worst month for us with those swooping critters in mating season .. hahahaha.. you doing so well... :)
Wow Sharon I'm so happy for you :) Amazing loss you have worked real hard keep p the great work ;)

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2 min read
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