Another kilo gone.

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
New scales work a charm.
Have lost another kilo.... and, NO, it is not the new scales, as I actually weighed a bit heavier when I first got them. :p
I am now 84.55 kg.
Haha... two decimal places. Who really needs two decimal places??
I might take that back actually. The going is so slow I might just be counting in 0.01kg lots soon. :cool:
Need a whole new winter wardrobe. A good problem to have, I suppose, but an expensive one. Last winter I was a size 20+ now I am a 14-16 :laughing: My daughter keeps telling me to get new clothes but I am not ready just yet to replace the whole wardrobe. I hate trying stuff on and I don't really know what sizes to get so I have to try stuff on. o_O

I hope you are all having a great week

Sharon xoxo

Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 84.55 kg (-32.45 kg)
Healthy Weight Range: 58 - 72 kg
Goal Weight: 65 kg

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A good problem, right you are, Sharon! :laughing:
Wish you to solve it asap and enjoy your new slim body!
Fantastic sharon another kilo goneeeeeeee :):) I have been busy selling my clothes on eBay so now I have money to buy new clothes, must admit I was a shopaholic & had so many new clothes I hadn't worn in size 18 - 22 .... I have brought some new clothes the Myers sales are fantastic ... I'm cruising to Singapore in 4 weeks so I needed new clothes ;) have a great week :)
whoop whoop well done girl !!!!!so happy for you !!!! you a champ!!!! keep it going ..NEVER GIVE UP ON YOURSELF .. x get one or two new outfits hun, it helps to motivate you ,really it does, gives u a push to the next level ..I dare you .. go for it !!! ...your daughter is right ..

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