any help will be appreciated

  • Author pg2011
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
hi all

great to read abt all your success with duromine...well done guys:)

just wanted to say that this is my 6th day on duromine 30mg and i have not expierenced any loss so far.......very despondant.

my diet is as follows:
duromine - 6 am
breakfast - oats and coffee with sweetner
snack - fruit
lunch - greek salad or egg on health bread
snack - yougurt
supper- curry and rice/ bread
coffee before bed

have not expierenced any bad side effects just the dry mouth... i drink 2l water per day.

occasional cravings for chocolate:p
any advise will be appreciated to speed up weightloss
dnt do much exercise ( have 2 kids under age 4)

if anyone has diet plan that caters for indian food pls share ...

my stats are as follows:
age : 35 yrs
height: 1.6 m
weight : 82 kg :(

thank you


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