Assessing the damage

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Suffice to say that I have had most of January off. :rolleyes:
Not weighing, no Duromine, still exercising, and eating sensibly but not recording or counting calories. Just having a break until school goes back and my routine kicks back in.
First day of term one was yesterday so I am back onto it. Got myself a diary to keep track of things. Started logging in My Fitness Pal app and this morning I weighed myself thinking that the damage was going to be my first task. Especially since my period is due and traditionally I weigh more at this stage in my cycle.
Imagine my surprise and shock when the scales gave the exact same number that I was the last time I hopped on them 3 weeks ago!!!!!
87.7 kg :eek::laughing:
Just goes to show I CAN DO THIS! I can maintain even when I am not really consciously trying. I have changed my habits and I am living a much healthier lifestyle.
I am refreshed from my break and am tackling the weight loss again with renewed vigour.
I am off to the endocrinologist on Friday and will be very interested to see what he says. Last time I saw him he suggested a new drug that helps with weight loss, it is expensive and is a daily injection pen (like insulin) and it suppresses the appetite. I am still thinking about it. I am doing OK by myself ATM and, if needed, I still have 6 weeks of D in my drawer. But 3 months of this other drug might be just what I need to help me get to my goal. :confused: As you can tell I still am so undecided. The D is not as effective as it once was, maybe using this other drug will be better. IDK.... Specialist was super keen last time I spoke to him and gave me some info to look at so that he can give it to me at this appointment. I had blood tests and it may depend on the results from those. There were 17 items in the test!!! o_O
I hope everyone is doing wonderfully.
Sharon xoxo

Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 87.7 kg (-29.3)
Healthy Weight Range: 58-72 kg
Goal Weight: 65 kg

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Big Girl SA
That's super amazing that you could still maintain. Its one of my biggest fears at the moment, as this is my first week without D. My dr also gave me a script for another suppressant called Relislim, but I haven't filled it yet, because I want to see what the scale does this week without any help. Still sticking to my diet and exercise - but have to admit that I am extremely tired during the day, I even wake up feeling tired. I am also starting to develop flu like symptoms. Did you have this when you went off D? I am so proud of you Smick, as you have been such an inspiration to many of us here, and its nice to keep track of the ladies closest to the current weight/weight loss compared to myself, just to keep me on track and for motivation!
Hey Smick, just want to give you the heads up on the other drug you speaking of, as all people are unique, and our bodies respond differently to each new thing we try, just be careful of the pen , as I was on a course of something similar in 2006 lost 32 kg in 3MONTHS , but over the Course of 2 yrs I had put it all back and an extra whopping 10kg , quick fixes do not work well for most people , not saying it will not work for you Hun, as you do not need to lose that amount of weight, just saying that it left me s little shaken and i LANDED UP having to take Thyroid meds , as it messed up with my metabolism and my body could not handle the huge weight loss so fast .... I am only sharing this bit of info , not to upset you or discourage you for trying it, bit it will break my heart to see you throw away all that hard work you have done over the last few months, and most if it by yourself by the way , and speaking from experience, it is not helpful when you lose weight EASILY AND QUICKLY, not really doing anything yourself, as later when you do not have the "help"anymore, you do not have your OWN skills to keep it off .. you do now, and maybe just ask the doc loads of questions when you go for your thyroid check, if it is a good idea for you to try out the other drug ok ? ...

This time round it really is about our state of mind and perseverance and patience dear weightloss friend," not the hurry and get it off, I will think about the mind set thing later " we have proved it to many times that ,that approach does not work well for us in the long term..
Just saying,xx
Keep us posted, as I would like to hear what the experts share on this matter, I am always ready to be told I am WRONG, and learn from it .. x
Thanks Leigh. I have pretty much decided that I am doing ok on my own. I don't think I need to be on any other drug. It is always helpful to get other people's opinions though. I suppose it al depends on my blood test results too. My GP office has rung twice this week to get me to come in to review the results of my blood tests as they were sent a copy but I am seeing the specialist tomorrow, so I'm a bit worried that there might be an issue.
Hi sharon interesting reading about the the injection let me know what you decide...I think you have done amazingly well on the D however if is no longer working for you as well, it probably is time for a change. Again you have also done so well maintaing while having a break from D. Like Leigh said we all know a quick fix is great although unfortunately it does usually come back we extra kgs, I know you will make the right decision on what is the best course for you. I'm losing slowly & I do feel frustrated about that. it seems if I have one day of eating the wrong thing I put on :( This weight loss journey somtimes feels so hard :( I need to weigh in tomorrow although I'm pretty sure I have put on this week as I have not exercised, I have been counting my calories but I have lost the plot a couple of times ... No D for me today I woke up to late. Wishing you a great week & lighter scale remember you are fantastic, you have come so far totally proud of you girl x
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Decided not to have the injections. Dr said I am doing so well on my own that I don't need it. I agree. My thyroid is hovering between being just inside normal range and just outside normal range so he suggested that I have a blood test every 6 months and if it spikes I may need thyroxine. He also said that it may be 20 years before that happens or in 6 months.
He was also very happy about my blood sugar. My risk of ever getting diabetes is very unlikely in his opinion. My blood sugar is great and even when I was 30 kilos heavier it was great. Yay me!
Blood pressure good, cholesterol OK, not great but not dire either. Everything else was great.
THAT IS SUPER GOOD NEWS sharon!!! so glad you have a good Doc who does not just jump to meds when it comes to your thyroid.. time will tell, I think you caught it just in time by exercise and healthy eating and D , has prevented you from messing too much with your thyroid.. so fingers crossed .. I think it is our parents we should thank for those good genes, as I too , had no issues with blood pressure sugar levels, cholesterol etc, and I was 40 kg over weight , morbidly obese, I was the fattest in my WHOLE family, yikes ! I was not as fortunate when it came to the thyroid gene though, as mum and nan both had it too, but they thin, go figure, hahah anyway, so happy for your health results so far Sharon, keep doing what you doing girl .. I am struggling to leave the 90's zone, a lot of yo yoing going on, hope to have it stable and i n control this month and the months to come .. Have a gr8 week ,all the best for weigh in ,x
Can't really thank my parents for giving me good genes. :cool:
Can than the fact that my dad is overweight (meaning obese), has high blood pressure, high cholesterol, several stents in the past 12 months, a bypass and diabetes and those conditions scared me into going to the doctors in the first place to get the D. My sister also is overweight, has high BP and is pre diabetic. My mother is diabetic and overweight too. So in the genetics department the odds are stacked against me.
I think I just got lucky that I made a decision to do something about it before I had any real health issues.
On the thyroid side of things I really have the genetic lottery against me. My mum had hers removed very young. My dad's sister also had hers removed very young (must have been the thing back in the day). My tall, thin son found out he had low thyroid aged 18 which totally goes against the "Fat, Forty & Female" stereotype. Add to that my husband also has low thyroid so both hubby and son have to take thyroid meds.
Leigh I am stuck too. Not seeming to budge at all. Might have to go back on the D to get me back on track.
oh my friend !!! that is all pretty full on !!!!
wow!!! ok so against all these stumbling blocks of GENES and then some girl .. YOU HAVE CERTAINLY PROVED YOURSELF !!! you should get a medal just for that !!! lol

To be brutally honest Sharon , I AM SO NOT READY TO GIVE UP D anytime soon..MY doctor made it VERY CLEAR , that my weight would take me at LEAST a year to lose it ALL .. I know I could lose 2-4 kg a month, it is possible, but in my world , my realistic world, of ups and down in life and body issues from time to time, I KNOW FOR ME PERSONALLY losing 1kg to 500g a month, is normal and achievable and I am less stressed about it .. The plateaus are my worst nightmare !! ,and I do not do well mentally when I am challenged by those weigh in day or when I cannot exercise due to my body conking in on me .. So the reality for me is, for now for the next couple of months, I have to take D at LEAST 3 x a week , I DID NOT TAKE IT THIS WEEKEND as I TOOK IT THE WHOLE OF LAST week, as I had been off od D for a few weeks, and it was a disaster, going back on it took 4 days for it to kick in this time round, and I do not want to go down to 15mg, as 30 mg , is only just working for me now again, so my suggestion to you would be to up it again and do 3omg, 3x a week too, just to get you back on track and shake your body, and then once your body shows results again, go down to 15mg, I will be going to 15mg, once I REACH MY LAST 5KG , then I will ween my body off it by taking 15mg, then nothing for at least a month, and see what happens... I have to date, lost 8.5kg, over 7 months so around 1kg a month.. give or take for plateau weeks, putting on 500g weeks, etc etc could have been 16kg by now, or even 20 kg by now, but for me the weight is NOT THE ONLY THINGS I am fighting for here, it is about my mental state and my emotional state, from the beginning I have said ALL THREE go hand i n hand for me, and D is and has been the only thing that I have tried that is helping me on all three levels, but most of all I cannot , miss a day checking in on this forum, I made the mistake of being to busy to go on line, etc, and I NEED to be online and write in and check in with you all, so that I CAN FACE my down days, my lack of desire, etc, but also to remind me of my goals my achievements and mostly that I have and am not alone on this journey, it is a fight to the end, no lies, !!...WE ARE STRONG, WE WANT THIS, WE NEED THIS, WE CAN DO THIS, SO as Nike says it "just do it " .. lol may this week be an inspiring one for you and I and the rest of you who are feeling like Sharon and I at the moment, lets just keep going ,we almost there, this is OUR year, we just need to keep remind each other every week, right ??.. Please remind me of this message , next week when i am all down and feeling defeated again ,lol ... my heal is not heeling, but I am planning on exercising this week no matter what , I only lost 500g this week but I am thrilled with that, I cannot seem to get under 98 kg, at the moment, I was 96.5on the 16th of Dec, and since then my weight has been going up, or standing still,no exercise is not good for my body type at all..So for now, 96.5 is my next goal for March, and at least floor exercises 3x a week, for now ..Have a postive, motivated, happy week dear Sharon, and
Leigh, you just need to keep plodding along. For me, that meant staying the same weight for over a month. BUT as long as we keep going, eventually, we will reach our goals. I'm Back onto it now. Hoping to lose 15-20 kilos to be in the healthy weight range for my height. It really doesn't matter how long it takes. We just need to keep going. Every couple of kilos makes us so much healthier.
Thanks Sharon,
needed to hear that, good reminder, xxx have a gr8 day .. :)

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