Back on track.... week 6 weigh in

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Finally!.......It seems I have things headed in the right direction again.
I was getting very concerned that I was stuck.
Weigh in today was 107.4 kg down 0.5 kg from last week.
I am thrilled.
So very close to my first 10 kilo goal of 107.
I only have 6 weeks of tablets left before the doctor says I have to go off them for a couple of weeks so we can do more blood tests and check out my under functioning thyroid. He won't give me another script until my thyroid is sorted and even then if I have to take thyroxine he is reluctant to prescribe. :mad:
I will go in and baffle him with my brilliance armed with so much information that he will have to give them to me :p. I have access to some databases through my pharmacy course and have printed out the interactions sheet. The CMI (Consumer Medical Information) says that it can interact with thyroid medication and cannot be taken by people with overactive thyroid - this is why he is reluctant BUT mine is under active and I have printed of the interactions from MIMS (
Australia's most comprehensive and authoritative medicine database) and the adverse effect is moderate (only a 2 on a scale of 6) and documentation has not been established. Duromine and Thyroxine sodium may increase the effect of each other. The actions to be taken are to monitor and adjust medication doses accordingly and take special note of cardiac function in those patients with coronary artery disease (I don't have this).
I am doing so well on Duromine, I don't want it taken away from me before I am ready.
On a brighter note. I am moving a bit more now that I have my 'misfit shine'. The treadmill that has been gathering dust in the bungalow has had a workout. It has been so long since I have used it that we didn't realise that the TV in there was not digital compatible. Had to buy a new TV for that room because the amount of time I can walk on the treadmill and look at a blank wall is not very long.
In class yesterday the teacher was discussing that the benefits of every 5 kilo weight loss is huge. She said that weight first comes off around the organs and takes so much pressure off that even a 5 kilo loss can have great effects on blood pressure, cardiac function, blood sugar levels (diabetes), longevity etc. I must say though, that my blood sugar levels are amongst the lowest in the class at 4.2. So I am already well on the way to a much healthier me.

I wish everyone a wonderful week
Sharon xoxo

Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 107.4 (-9.6)
Goal Weight: 65 kg
W0 0.0 (117.0)
W1 -4.2 (112.8)
W2 -1.4 (111.4)
W3 -2.2 (109.2)
W4 -1.6 (107.6)
W5 +0.3 (107.9)
W6 -0.5 (107.4)

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