Bad day

  • Author volcom
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So after my good day, where i went 5km ont eh cross trainer and ran around the house like a mad chook.
I had a down day. Bad headaches, unable to keep my eyes open, Hungry like anything, snappy and what not... it was horrible!!!
So where I am today day 7... and i am starving right after breakfast... not in the mood to do anything but I will push myself. Going to call the drs up soon and book myself in to see him and ask what on earth is going on. Before I started these I was not this hungry!!!! :confused:
So lost and confussed. I was really hoping this would work!!! Hopefully he ups me to 40 because the 30 is doing nothing, i gave it a go... gave it a week and nothing... surely by now it should be working right?


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