Been a very slow week.

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Have had my ups and downs this week. Have not managed to exercise as much as I should :oops: . I have had great intentions that have not materialised.
A big change happened for me this week..... My daughter has moved out (sort of) to go to university. I say sort of because she will be home weekends and term holidays which only makes it 25 weeks in the year or 118/365 days that she has to stay on campus (plus exams). :rolleyes: Do you think I might miss her? lol
The day before my daughter moved, my eldest boy (25 years old) asked if he and his girlfriend could move in for 12 months to save for a house deposit. They have enough (just) ATM but want to be in a better position and cannot seem to save at all while they are renting. They are still thinking about it.
Just when we thought we were going to have a little peace around here it looks like being even more hectic. Me, Hubby, 16yo son (Z), 25 yo son (J) & GF (L), 19 yo daughter (V) on weekends and her boyfriend (B) 4 nights a week (he lives with us but spends a couple of nights at his mums). Currently with V at uni we have the occasional evening to ourselves if Z is at work and B goes to visit his mum. but if J&L move in we will have 7 people here on weekends. Yikes!
Anyway, in the process of moving her out we had to set up two computers. A new one for me :laughing: and my old one for her to take. Thus I spent hours sorting out my 2,000+ photos in iPhoto, tagging, deleting and categorising. BTW... OMG I have lost some weight. Some of the (very rare) photos of me I found highlight that difference. :eek: Cleaned out documents folders, iTunes, hard drives, backups etc.... :cool: add to that the 3hr each way trip to move her and packing and unpacking her stuff. I spent a lot of time not exercising and sitting on my butt. This resulted in a nasty haemorrhoid :mad: which means I have not been in any mood to do any more exercise.
Still I managed a small loss this week.
Down to 85.7 kg
A loss of 0.8 kg
My weight loss graph looks like this...

You can see that since I have stopped the D my weight loss has slowed, a lot, but I am still losing. Now that my daughter is settled, I am thinking I should go back to my GP and see if I can get another script. As far as he is concerned, I have been off the D since October (I actually made it last till almost Christmas). A five month break should be enough for him, I could even stretch it out till six months. The endocrinologist recommended I go back on the D to help if I plateau and I would really like the boost right now for the last 15-20 kilos. At least I know I can still lose or keep the weight off without the D. Knowing me, I will probably put off going to the GP. The slow weight loss (or staying the same for weeks) is frustrating but if I look at the graph, I am still slowly heading towards my goal.o_O
If you got this far.... Congratulations!
I hope everyone is having a great week
Sharon xoxo
Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 85.7 kg (-31.3 kg)
Healthy Weight Range: 58 - 72 kg
Goal Weight: 65 kg

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Just realized that when you finally achieve your goal (another 15-20kg) it will will be almost half of your initial weight! :eek: What an achievement!

You are a good example of an accurate patient who deserves another prescription no doubt, since you manage to maintain (and even lose!) weight without the pills. I think the busy days with your "full house" family will help to lose more, which I believe is a good part. Wish you a wonderful week and please don't forget about us! :laughing:
Hi Sharon,
so much going on in your life emotionally hunny, no surprise you feeling like you do, but hey a loss is a loss and you consistent, family is a good thing even when we want some time out or peace and quite,there will be plenty of time for quite in the house ,later on in your life, and then you will be fitter, healthier and lighter too, well done on all those photo's I CAN SO RELATE ..I am a photo maniac , drives my family nuts, Hubby always has to make more space on the lap top for me, drives him crazy, thanks to digital, lol.. May the weeks ahead be good ones, you doing gr8, get those Haemorrhoids sorted, and move ,move ,move, it will do your mind good too.. I got on the treadmill and rower for the first time in 4 weeks today , it was painful ,loads of huffing and puffing , and sweating , but when done, I felt so good, and felt rather stupid and ashamed that I had not done it sooner .. my mind is clear and focussed again ... Forgot how good it feels to be in this clear and focussed place again ..x
Haha Leigh. That is just the tip of the iceberg with what is going on in my life right now!!!!
Have had the week from hell. Bad news about our business. Don't know if we will have an income in 6 months time. Trying to be confident that we will sort something out but the stress of that and how it will impact our employees as well is not great. Then I lost a sentimental ring, not expensive but the first ring hubby ever gave me. Hoping it will turn up but I have directed the house and it is nowhere atm. Then.... my scales broke.
Youngest has Deb Ball next week then is off to China.
I am trying to find work. Have always worked in family business so have not got an impressive resume. Have had some casual work in Pharmacy the past year as I have pharmacy assistant qualifications but that seems to have dried up and I am not enjoying it as much as I did. Thinking of getting back to childcare and early education. Did teaching and childcare before the kids came along (25 years ago) and that is where my heart is. Have enrolled in a Diploma course that I can do mostly online to update my qualifications. Completing my first aid next week and putting my resume in through a friend ASAP.
My head is trying to process a million things at once!
Needless to say, I have been slack with exercising and diet of late BUT I have no clue what kind of damage has been done as I can't weigh myself. Have permission to purchase a new set of scales today.
yup pretty full on stuff, I can relate to some of it, we really do seem to have parallel lives you and I AND SEEM TO BE I NTHE SAME WEEKS TOO... a little eery ..Hubby had to make a huge decision on the job front ,more money in new job ..or keep the security in current job, we have to move in three months time, a sudden death in my son in laws family, and planning mums 70th birthday and helping my daughter prepare baby room , and my son is going in for a major operation out of state ,etc, and all these things have to be done ASAP, as I will have no time to paint baby rooms, and move house at the same time ,I am not working at mo, homeschooled my son, his now starting Uni, so got time on my hands ,well not for much longer, but I know how you feel working in a safe closed environment and having the freedom to do as you please ,and the longer we out of our comfort zone the longer it takes to adjust, but it is worth it in the end, child care sounds like you , so go for it !!..I was in retail and Garden design, so where ever I go ,I will have to work retail hours which includes weekends,and I am not interested in that any longer been there done that for 20 yrs, been home and doing part time work and homeschooling for the last 10 yrs ,but sometimes" beggers cannot be chooses", so for now, Hubby's job is very important to us being the only bread winner at this stage ,Thinking of you dear friend , and this only hightens our cortisol levels which is not good for us trying to lose weight, so exercise is what we NEED to stay calm, stress free, and stop being worry pots, I take on everyones burdens, and then get no sleep ,which results in weight gain, and so the evil web goes .....It is good to know a bit more about each other, and these triggers that can very easily cause our balance in mind and emotions and physically to go right out of wack,will keep you in prayer, may your week be postive and when you get on that scale may it be the same weight, and that you stood still, but if you have put on, do not fret, as you know why, food is not always the cause of our weight gain, but it does play a part for sure, sometimes we just need to release our stresses, that is why some of us HAVE TO exercise for a better well being.Now I need to stop talking the talk and start walking the walk with you ladies , hee hee have a super weekend ,thanks for sharing a little more about you with me.. :).

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