Beginning of a Journey

  • Author amyliz93
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hello to anyone reading this. My name is Amy, and I have just turned 24 years old. I live in Brisbane with my husband & my dog and love my job as a Dental Nurse.

I have decided to write a daily diary with my experiences of the Duromine tablet. A week ago, I hadn't ever heard of it. I was at my doctors for a general check-up, and mentioned (again) how unhappy I was with my weight & how I struggle to lose weight. I mentioned I was almost 110kgs, and she honestly thought I was joking until I stepped on the scales. She was shocked and told me about Duromine. I thought about it (and researched) about it for about a week before going back and asking for a prescription. I'm not going to lie, the things I've read are a bit scary, but I'm at a point where I feel I have no other options.

For about 3 years, I have been actively trying to lose weight. I managed to lose about 15kgs, but when I first met my (now) husband, I let slip & managed to gain about 30kgs. In the last year I have changed my lifestyle by almost giving up alcohol (I enjoy a wine or beer occasionally), eating healthier and nutritious meals & exercising VERY regularly! By that, I mean I would do gym classes weekly (boxing, dance, bootybarre + 2 x PT sessions a week + walking daily) and I somehow still manage to put on weight.

I want to share my journey & thoughts with someone, as I feel like I'm 'cheating' by needing a tablet to help aide weight-loss, and I'm also a bit embarrassed that I can't manage to do it by myself. I would absolutely love any feedback/motivation/encouragement, as well as hearing other stories. I'm glad I've found this little community where we all share a common goal!
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Hi Amyliz! My name is April. I am also quite a newbie to this forum. I was invited here to help people of our Duromine “community” lose weight. =)) I was exactly where you are at right now, and I can understand how you feel. First of all, congrats with your B-Day! For this very birthday, wish you to have a fast, efficient and healthy weight loss! I wish you to get as healthy and as slim as you wish to be and to always have enough forces to make on more step ahead!

Now, getting back to your posts. I read them all. Glad, you managed to escape pizza that evening. =) Love the photos of food you are having. In fact, I am sure you did enjoy both dishes very much and it’s cool you like cooking. I am also very pleased with your choice of products. Very healthy and useful from each point. Keep it up!

Seeing it makes you happy to get back to the gym and be engaged into the 12-week challenge makes me 100% sure you will achieve your weight loss goal. I wish you al the best, keep my fingers crossed for you, dear! Hope, you remember about the water you should be drinking, especially that you are actively exercising, and you probably do sweat a lot when you walk in such an uncomfortable no-wind weather. Ake sure you always have a bottle of water with you. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to write them, I will be dropping by.

PS. You're not cheating by taking the pills. Think of how much willpower it took you to decide and start taking them. Besides, you are still the one who does all the job, not the pills!!! It’s the same thing, like when someone is, for example, running a Marathon. People don’t say that someone came in first because his running shoes have a very special design that helps his feet not to get too tired. His shoes do help him, yet he is the one who runs. Same thing here: Duromine doesn’t burn your fat – you burn your fat through food restrictions and exercising. Duromine just helps you on your way. Thumbs up!
Hi April! Thank you so much for your comments! It has already made me feel fantastic for the day & it's only 7am!

I always have my trusty water bottle with me, I even bought a bigger handbag just so it fits in there and I don't have to carry it!

I do hope you continue to read my blog, but I imagine they will all start to sound the same soon :rolleyes:

Have a wonderful day! :)

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