Big IS NOT Beautiful...

  • Author lilfirefly
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
It amazes me when people babble on about big being "beautiful"... For me being beautiful is a feeling and being big definitely doesn't make me feel beautiful!

Weighing in at a massive 115kg I have officially reached the end of obesity (in my head), as today ends so does being this big for me... Since weighing so much I've discovered I sweat a whole lot more and need to deodorise several times a day instead of just in the morning when I first get dressed, it's awkward leaning down to put my shoes on and I just don't fit in the bath!

Tomorrow morning I am starting 30mg of Metermine... I have a newly put together ab-exercise thingy, bottles of water getting nice and more determination than I've had for anything in my life!

I will be strong, fit and healthy!


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