Blog update - The last week and a bit

  • Author Determined93
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
I haven’t really had a chance to update my blog recently, during the day I hardly ever get a moment of peace and at night when I finally get some down time my mind has been so scrambled that trying to gather my thoughts and write anything has been a mission. I even slipped with my personal daily journal (not really a journal just my notes section of my phone where I jot stuff down I think may be of importance/relevant for relating back to in the future), so I will fill you’s / my future self in on what little notes I took / what I can remember since I last updated my blog...

Where I left off..
I finally got over being sick YAY! Not sure exactly when it happened but it did so I’m happy about that. Although since then I have been struggling with decreased energy levels and just feeling physically & mentally drained .. all fricken day!

My theory on my whole calories in vs out thing has played out quite well so far with my last two weekly weigh ins being -1.5kg & -1.8kg.

My Birthday was on the 19th of this month (the first day of week 6) and I was pretty bad that evening. I went out to dinner, which the dinner part wasn’t too bad as I only ate half of my meal but I did have some cake (a small slice) and I had a few alcoholic drinks too, completely slipped my mind that I wasn’t supposed to drink while on duro but luckily I didn’t have any side effects, probably helped that there was about a 14 hour window between when I took my tablet and had my first drink.

For most of the rest of the week my calorie intake was higher then normal but still under my 1200 a day goal but not by much so I was shocked when I seen that I had lost 1.8kg for that week bringing my total loss to 10.6kg.

Day 1 of week 7 I got to have a sleep in and didn’t get up until 12pm! I slept for about 9hrs, which is the longest sleep by far I have had in one hit since I started duro. I ended up making the decision to skip my tablet that day if I wanted any chance of getting any sleep that night. It didn’t effect me as much as I thought it would, I suppose because it was still probably in my system. I still had reduced appetite and didn’t really feel any different in terms of energy levels, which makes sense since I don’t get the crazy energy boost from duro anymore, it pretty much just makes me feel like I got enough sleep when really I didn’t in terms of energy levels. One thing I did get that I haven’t had since starting duro was the tummy rumble when I got hungry about dinner time, which honestly I did end up eating more then my usual portion size (but not by a whole lot) and I had a glass of coke but other then my morning coffee they were the only calories I consumed that day. I didn’t go to bed until about 3am.

The next day I woke up at 10am (about 7hrs sleep) and my eyes just felt really heavy from the minute I woke up and lasted all day, even after taking my tablet and having my coffee I just struggled to keep my eyes open so I ended up taking a nap that afternoon and slept for about 3 hours, not waking up until 8pm! Only ate lunch that day as it was a pretty heavy meal compared to what I’m used to, I had a steak, egg and salad sandwich so that kept me going for the rest of the day, even after my nap.

I think I needed the extra sleep as I woke up yesterday feeling a lot better, I still wasn’t loaded with energy but was back to my normal, energy wise anyways my mind was still scrambled and the day is kind of a blur but I do remember going looking through my kitchen cupboard for a specific container I wanted for something and next thing I knew I was on the floor with everything pulled out, cleaning the inside of the cupboard and organising it all. Still didn’t find the container I was after though until I opened the fridge when it was all done and there it was, right at eye level being used for something else. That’s how foggy my brain has been lately, just kind of going through the motions not noticing things that I usually would.

That brings me to today.. I am currently 4 days into my 7th week. Got up at a decent time this morning, took my tablet a bit earlier then usual and am hoping to get to sleep at a decent hour tonight. I did start getting tired around 4pm today and could have gone for a nap but instead just had a coffee which perked me up a bit and cleared up my foggy brain which has allowed me think straight again So I thought I would take this opportunity to update my blog.
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@Determined93 So glad you are finally on the mend!

Everything becomes a bloody big effort when your sick, and I cant imagine how you felt with little ones to look after as I know they always come first no matter how your feeling physically or emotionally.

Maybe your 2 big sleeps are your body catching up to what it needs? or do you think after a certain amount of time your body could start to feel less effects from the Duro?

I cant remember where I read it but I am sure one site said that after 6 weeks the body can start to build a resistance and I do remember reading posts on the forum (maybe by @April ?), about having a break and then kickstarting it again to regain the suppression?

Are you still having that physically exhausted as well as mentally drained feelings? Again could be related to needing to kick start? or maybe you need to add some low GI carbs back into your diet?

I have noticed a difference within myself energy wise, just by adding in a low gi carb breakfast each day. Good old rolled oats are now my friends :). I also restarted my vitamin routine and am having a multi, c, b, and pro-biotic in the mornings, with magnesium and calcium at night. My overall feeling this week has been so much better than last week thats for sure!

I think you are doing amazing with your weight loss!
Hey @Rava I think it was probably just exhaustion catching up to me. I have thought about taking a break from duro but my doc recommended that if I am still getting a suppressed appetite then to keep going with it until my 3 months are up, which my appetite is definitely still suppressed. I think I really just need to work on getting to bed earlier.

The last couple of days I haven’t been too bad with feeling exhausted/mentally drained but my mind has been going blank on what I have actually done during the course of my day.

I am going to see about getting on some vitamins too as I think I will probably be lacking in some as my diet doesn’t have a lot of variety to it. Also going to get my iron levels checked at my next doc visit as I’ve been mildly anemic before and remember feeling very similar during those times.

I’m actually not feeling too bad today.. I feel alert and with it which is a great change haha so planning to make the most of it today.
@Determined93 - so sorry for my late reply.

Swisse is a great brand of multi vitamins which do one specifically aimed at women. My go to!

Nature's Own is another brand that I regularly buy for my B's and C's.

Nutraceutical is the brand I am currently using for Magnesium.

Everything other than my multi I just generally look for what is on special but with the higher doses. All of the above are water soluble so what your body doesn't need it just pee's out!

I have most definitely noticed a difference since being back on them for the past 12 days! *hugs*

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