Duromine and intermittent fasting

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I started my Duormine journey last Tuesday, 05/04. I took 15mg on Day 1 and did not feel a thing. So took 30mg on Day 2 and so impressed that I no longer crave food. I also do intermittent fasting 16:8 and go for a swim 1000km before I have my first meal. I work in hospitality for 10 long hours almost everyday. My only worry is, I had zero sleep on Day 2 and too scared to go for a swim when sleep deprived then straight to work. Is this overkill?
I used to be fit and well but since COVID struck, I have been doing zero exercises, sedentary lifestyle and bad eating habbits which made me side tracked of my goals. I'm 158cm short and weigh 75kg with a BMI 30.

Back to my question, does Duromine go well with IF and swimming sleep deprived?