My program

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Just an intro: I've just finished a 10 week program at the gym, 5x classes per week with a great eating regime. Lost a whopping 2.8kg so I'm devastated. Watching others smaller than me lose heaps of weight over this program has been frustrating to say the least. I did lose a couple of inches in the first weeks but that stopped abruptly. Hubby has lost 13kg eating the same and exercising at the same classes as me so I'm freaking angry. :(
Saw the doc this morning and asked for duromine which he supported. Doc is sceptical as I've got hypothyroidism and hashis and already on a small eating regime but the last 10 weeks confirms what I've known forever in that my metabolism is absolutely shot. Needs a kick in the arse so I'm hoping for this to work. Please have your fingers crossed for me.
SW 96.8kg