Calorie Info regarding VSG

  • Author Rava
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
I have been going through my old notes (from my past op) and info sheets trying to do a little research in regards to what I should be aiming for in regards to my calorie intake - it's been a little niggle for me as I haven't been able to find the NUT I went to, and because I have been doing a shitload of my own research in factors that contribute to weight gain/weight-loss that I really wanted to pin it down.

What I have always remembered is "protein first, veggies second, low GI carbs last" and really thats about it. Now when I look back I do want to kick myself as I know I was given the info, but I just didn't take it in, and it really was wasted time that I could have used to educate myself and maybe not be in the position I found myself prior to getting my prescription.

So for my calorie intake I chose it based on old input via "Lose it" and working off those numbers - hence my goal has been to aim for around 900 - 1000 calories.

A girlfriend of mine who has really struggled with her weight her whole life, and was now experiencing co-morbidities because of it recently decided to have the VSG op - she is now around 8 months post-op and doing really well!! After talking to her it was quite an eye opener to get some new data!

First off I found out that it is no longer GS (gastric sleeve) but VSG (vertical sleeve gastrectomy) apparently there is less risk by cutting the stomach from top to bottom and not side to side. I told her how mine I believe was side to side as;

1. The vertical part of it was never mentioned to me, and

2. I didn't think the band was placed top to bottom to start with - as I would never have had restriction,

~Actually my notes on the op confirmed this when I checked as it was noted that the band had slipped and the portion that was removed because it could cause long term complications was just above where the erosion had started.

I honestly never knew there was a difference between the two gastric sleeves, as all I was told was that I had around 50% of my stomach removed. Another little tidbit that I got from Em is that they no longer push VSG as being the op to have for weight loss. Gastric Bypass has now been shown to have more longer term weight loss success with a less likely chance to regain down the track. That in itself was again quite an interesting fact, as I have always been led to believe that GB was more of a risk to take in regards to complications as well as the other issues like malabsorption.

I knew that Em had seen the same professor as myself, (the one who had fixed my stomach problems), but asked how she got around it? She said that the surgeon had actually recommended Gastric Bypass because of her co-morbitities but she made it very well known that at this stage she wasn't ready to go down that track. I was actually surprised as I do know how much she has struggled and I know a little of her medical issues... Later on as we talked more it came to pass that the biggest reason is her desire to have kids, apparently with the VSG she would not be at risk for a lot of problems that may occur. Now I'm not sure what these are, but I am assuming it might be to do with the malabsorption factor - I didn't want to ask too much as its her tale to tell, and I didn't want to push. I just let her know that I am here for her always.

She had to have pre surgery visits with the NUT who worked out of the surgeons office and again after the operation itself. She was good enough to let me know that the lady who worked there previously apparently went home to the UK over 5 years ago - obviously why I wasn't able to track her down!

Her NUT doesn't really want her to count calories, and just like I remembered she has been told "protein first, veg second and carbs last" - good to know that hadn't changed, and that I did recall correctly! She put the point across that she feels much better if she is working to some type of plan as by doing this she felt more secure that she wouldn't start any unhealthy habits or god forbid damage her new stomach.

The info that was put forth was;

Her recommended intake to maintain is 1100-1200 calories per day.
Her recommended intake for weight-loss is 800 calories per day.

Quite interesting - and I am just assuming the 300 - 400 calories between the weight loss recommendation and maintenance are determined by the individuals needs and exercise.

Glad I wasn't too far out in my estimations of calorie intake, but also great to have the new info.

I wanted to keep a written record of this info whilst it is still fresh in my mind, just in case I need to review later on down the track.


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