
  • Author melli67
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi there,

I would really like to start a challenge. I am not sure if one is going but if so I can't find it.

I am 45 years old and last week hit the almighty 93.5kgs.
I was devastated. My doctor said she would prescribe Duromine for me however she wants me to have the lap band surgery.

I have to prove that this is working, I dont want the surgery lol

Ok so Saturday I started at 93.5, really good over the weekend, no alcohol and very high protein diet. Its paid off! Weighed in this morning (Monday) and 89.8. I am over the moon and this is encouraging me to keep going.

Wedensday 18th I went down to 88.7 abosultely thrilled however Thursday went to Melbourne for work (ate and drank as you do and no Duromine Friday the same) Here I am Saturday morning 1 week into the diet and still weighed in at 90.1 So Still a loss of 3.4kgs :)

Any comments or replies are very welcome.

I have 1 month to lose about 10kgs (well that is my plan) if anyone would like to challenge me that would be fantastic!!!

I look forward to hearing from you :);)



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