
  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi, my name is Sharon and it has been five weeks since my last blog post....:oops:

Yep... I have been AWOL. Things here have been crazy and I have only been weighing myself every 3 weeks. Good news is that I have continued to lose weight. Slowly, but at least I have not gained.

I am now 82.9 kilos. BMI is 28. Looking back over the last 11 months that is a huge 34.1 kilo loss and I have gone down from a BMI of 40 and only 0.1 kg off being morbidly obese to a BMI of 28 which is overweight and only 10 kilos away from being in my healthy weight range.

Things are going very slowly now and it is not likely I will be in the healthy weight range by the one year anniversary of starting this weight loss journey BUT I can see it in the near future. This time last year it was but a dream and in my mind, not a very realistic one.

I had to go out and buy all new winter pants. My old ones looked ridiculous. They were falling off me. Last winter I was squeezing myself into a size 20, this year I fit very easily into a 16 and could probably get away with 14s but I prefer to be comfortable. :p

I have found the cold weather this year threw me a bit. I have slacked off with the exercising. I am studying as well and have had to prioritise that over the exercise. I am trying to get a better routine happening so that I can fit it all in but I am finding it difficult to get myself out of my nice warm bed to exercise.

I am going to really focus this month so that I can have the best possible results for my one year anniversary. Five weeks to go. Wish me luck!

I hope everyone here has a fantastic week.

Sharon xoxo

Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 82.9 kg (-34.1 kg)
Healthy Weight Range: 58 - 72 kg
Goal Weight: 65 kg

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You have so much done already, you will get your desired weight, no need to force yourself exercising at this point. Good luck, Sharon. We believe in you!
Your Fantastic Sharon a loss of 34.1 kg congratulations :)

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Read time
2 min read
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