
  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Had a really bad food day yesterday.
I have been having more and more days off the Duromine, just to see how I go, on the suggestion of my GP. Until now I have only done one day at a time. Yesterday I forgot to take the D and I also had not taken it the day before. I remembered at about 11 am. I briefly considered taking it then made the poor decision not to. Poor because yesterday was my wedding anniversary and we were going out for dinner. Throughout the day I made some very bad food choices and slipped into some old habits. It was not extremely dire, but I did eat way too much. It goes to prove that those old habits are very hard to shake and my will power is not as strong as I thought it was.
ATM I can handle every second day off the D, and I could probably handle two or three days off in a row but not if it is coupled with a known eating trigger (dining out, parties, celebrations). It was way too much to ask of myself.
Did 70 mins penance on the treadmill this morning. Not really penance but making sure I do not slack off. Am back on the D today and am hoping to stay on track and not have a gain this week.
Am going to try to drink a lot more water. This is something I have always struggled with and is really the last piece of the puzzle. I have tackled the movement/exercise, am dealing with the portion size issue, my diet has always been balanced, I just eat way too much and now it is increasing water that needs to be worked on.
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Hey Sharon I was reading your blog and thought oh bugger the "old habits" then as I read I realised hang on Sharon going to conquer the weight beast when you said knowing your eating triggers celebrations,parties etc. yesterday for you was just a bump in the road on your journey picked yourself up and did your penance extra walking :p that made me laugh lol :) because I would do the exact same thing ....:)funny how our minds work & we feel we need to pay the price for being human ;) Proves one thing Hun your not alone we all the same:p..take care stay strong and drink your water have a great week :)

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