Continuation of my week on duromine :)

  • Author Hopeful
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I will be weighing in every Saturday from now on :) as you know from my previous blog at Day 6 I was 2.5 kilos lighter, just to update on day 7 (1 week on Duromine) I have lost 3kg! :laughing:

I will also be adding tips under each day to help people lose weight or maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Day 7
Woke up: 6:30am, took pill at 7
Activities: No work today, my boyfriend has a labourer for the next few working days. Just hanging out at home with my daughter.
Breakky: Oat and berry clusters and Hilo milk – could only eat a couple spoon full’s.
Lunch: A couple grapes and a slice of turkey – really not hungry!
Dinner: Healthy Choice frozen meal, 300 calories. Ate most of it.
Snacks: None
Drinks: 2 600ml bottles of water
Exercise: 20 minute walk
Side Effects: None. Felt really full today but I could have done with a little more energy – probably my fault for not eating much.
Tip: NEVER cut out carbohydrates from your diet. I know we have all heard if you want to lose weight don’t eat carbs. Yes you may lose weight but it has a devastating effect on the body not to mention as soon as you start eating them again you’ll gain all the weight back. Carbs are a fuel source for your body and create our energy. You will feel exhausted; lose concentration and even memory in some people. In saying that you should limit the amount of high GI carbs and replace them with low GI carbs.

Day 8 Saturday 23/03/2013
Woke up: 7am feeling energised :)
Activities: Running errands went to appointment, shops, and mowed lawns etc just general weekend things.
Breakky: Homemade banana mini muffin
Lunch: Ham and salad wrap
Dinner: BBQ’d chicken kebab and garden salad
Snacks: Mandarin, grapes and another mini muffin :)
Drinks: 2 600ml water bottles and one green tea.
Exercise: 30 minute walk
Side Effects: None.
Tips: Drink green tea :) helps with weight loss as it increases the metabolism. It also prevents diabetes, esophageal cancer, tooth decay and depression. This wonder drink also reduces bad cholesterol, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, regulates blood pressure, is antiviral and antibacterial and is great for your skin. I personally make up a couple litres and refrigerate it in bottles as I don’t like it warm. Just don’t add milk or sugar as it ruins the benefits.

I cant wait til saturday 30th March 2013 for my next weigh in :) I will definately try and make this week count! Good luck to all out there wanting to lose weight. If I can do it you can too!


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