Day 0: before the beginning

  • Author babybear
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
hey guys!

First time ever using duromine and starting tomorrow.. I'm so nervous and excited!
I'm 22, weight 75 and 157cm tall.
I regularly exercise and eat quite healthy, just need to tackle snacking lol. I've been trying to lose weight for maybe two years now, lost a little after a break up as I wasn't eating but eventually put it back on. Now I have put my foot down and I'm gunna do this!

I'm just wondering what to expect or any advice from you amazing people! Thank you in advance xx


Hey Babybear! Welcome to the forum! With all your excitement and decisiveness, I am sure you will achieve your goals and will enjoy the end result. The main thing is not to give up and keep pushing even harder, when you see the first results.

What to expect… who knows.. we’re all so different and Duromine makes different things to our bodies. Either way, I wish you to experience all the good effects and none of those that make you feel bad. Hopefully, you will keep to your present lifestyle and even manage to introduce some cool changes that will help you get healthier. =))

Fingers crossed for your journey! Best of luck!

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