Day 1: 30mg

  • Author Sazzle
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Age: 21
H: 156cm
CW: 101.8kgs
GW: 65kgs

Sooo I just started Duromine 30mg today. I took it at 9am and fell back asleep, woke up like straight away at about 11am and I started feeling really kind of shaky and jittery (so weird) my pupils were also dilated big time? I don't know if anyone else has had that happen.
I didn't feel very hungry like I normally would but I felt like I could eat. I had a bit of an energy burst when I first woke up but then the rest of the day I felt really tired.

Although it is only day 1 so i'm hoping it will improve the more I take it and I won't feel so tired, but energized(fingers crossed!!) :)


Well i'm not sure, I mean I had random bursts where I felt pretty hungry but then they went away. I think the duromine will work better once I start to eat better as well, I've started to take notice of what i'm eating and also writing it down which I think helps. Hopefully by my first weekly weigh in I see changes!! I'll keep you posted! :p:laughing::)

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