Day 1 D30 - 17 jan 2015

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struggled a bit to finally found how to create an entry but thank God i found this forum.. And to whoever that created it and keeping it running, THANK YOU SO MUCH! U dont know how much it means to me

Start weight :71.5kg
Goal weight : 55kg
Day 1 : 17 jan 2015

After reading this forum the entire night, i have enough info (at least i thought so) on how to effectively take my duromine 30.

1) i take it early at 4am and will continue to take it at the same time everyday - unless i need to change the timing if my body gets tired or irritanble wayyy to soon. (Will give 3-5 days)

2) drink 10 gulps of water once getting off bed. Will try to add lemon tomorrow :)

3) have yogurt for breakfast ( to avoid constipation and to train my digestive system to go regularly everyday when im off D30) - hopefully

4) eat 3-6 small meals throughout the day even if im not hungry ( to train my body for when im off D30 and to avoid my body to hold on to my existing fats prior to brain signalling im on starving mode - THE LAST THING I WANT IS TO MY BODY HOLDING ON TO MY STORED FATS lol i want to get rid of it)

So i thank each and everyone in here for sharing their experiences that i can come up with my mini conclusion what i need to do to kickstart my journey the right way

Will update how i go today after i end day 1 :)
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Hi welcome to the forum, looking forward to reading your blog...if you have any questions or need support just shout out, as everyone is very supportive on here, hey have a fantastic week wishing you a lighter scale :)
Hi shelly :)

Im so glad to have found this support group of dmine user.. I was nervous to start as im afraid i cant keep the weight off once im done with my 3 months supply.

Reading users experiences and tips in here is a HUGE help :)
Hi there- I am new to both D30 and the blog, and just started D30 yesterday- I have 20Kg to lose...have noticed the increase in energy and decrease in appetite straight away, am hoping this will kick me along with workouts and sensible eating :) Love to follow your journey- good luck!
Hi Trudeelala - I hope your first week is going well. This is my first day back on (I tried for a month last year) and we have pretty similar goals. I am 72kg and want to get down to 55.
Would be good to keep track see how you are progressing :)
Hi both :)

Im on my last strip of month 1. So far ive lost only 5kg and on pleateau. Im sad but not discouraged. I keep on counting calories making sure i never go beyond 1000cals and always stick with 800 if i can. I fasted on the next day whenever i overeat. Training myself to be mindful of my own body and to avoif gaining the 5kg back

So far so good altho the wonderful effect worn off a bit. I dont sweat as much and i dont feel extra 'hardworking' to do housechores anymore lol i also feel hungry at times.. And some cravings.. but i make sure to keep counting calories bcse i know eventually (even if it takes longer time - year end perhaps) i will lose weight if i do it consistently. I dont torture myself avoiding good food like dessert or pasta... But i only eat those once per week (if i really cant help it) and go fasting the next day. So the calories per week is balanced. I dont even have cheat days on weekend. My simple rule is if i overeat (900-1000cals) i will fast the next day..

AND, i avoid sugary drink. At all cost. :) even coffee. I use stevia as its zero calories. Only stevia. Nothing else. Google it and ull know why :)

Btw, coffee helps the worn off effect of D on me.. When taking it with coffee 2-3 hours gap after taking the pill (2 cups PLAIN AMERICANO OR PLAIN CAPPUCCINO sweetened with stevia per day) my cravings will be reduced and i have slight increase of energy..
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