Day 1.... Feeling nervous

  • Author Crazydoglady
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hey everyone! Well where do I start I'm nearly 30, 161cm and weighing in at 100.3kg (I know soooo close to the double digit). I've always struggled with my weight but now it's time to make serious changes!

At the start of this year I weighed 95kg and not only did I go on a cruise but I got in a new relationship, which with all the dinner dates helped me gain 11kgs by May! I then Signed up for Michelle Bridges 12wbt weighing in at 106kg where I managed to lose 7.5kg. As that round finished I went overseas and have remained about the 100kg mark... And I just can't budge it! I've signed up to another round of 12wbt but have lost motivation, although my mentality to food has changed significantly since the first round. I challenged myself to give up fast food and since May I can count on 1 hand the amount of times I've been to Maccas or the like! Eating out is my huge downfall and I still eat at restaurants but choose better food than I ever did!

My doctors prescribed me D to kick start my weightloss again which he gave me the 40mg. Bit nervous to take it after reading people side effects. I took it this morning around 7am, and feeling fine still. Mouths abit dry but that's normal, I really need to drink more water!! I certainly didn't feel more energetic given I had a nap around 10.30, didn't sleep to well last night, but I'm kinda hoping that will come. I need the energy to get into exercising!

Oh well that's abit about me... Looking forward to hearing your stories and advice and share my progress with you!
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Hello, Crazydoglady, nice to meet you :)
Don't be nervous beforehand, time shows how it will work for you. Not necessarily you will have side effects. Although I consider 40mg a way too big dose to begin with. But your doctor knows best, of course. Good luck and cheer up!
Welcome Crazydoglady,
I know you will get a lot of support here and it will help you with your goals.
My doctor wanted to start me on 40mg also but I convinced him to begin with 30mg. That way I could move up or down if needed. I did try 40mg for a month but found that the 30mg was just fine.
See how you go but don't be afraid to go back to your GP if you think you need to reduce your dose. I believe that you should try on the lowest dose that works for you. Much easier to keep it going once you stop. Also the lower dose is a little cheaper.
I found my side effects increased over the first week then took another week to settle. Now I don't have any really annoying side effects. Sleep is managed, mouth is occasionally dry and I have found that a day off here and there really helps avoid me having a melt down. If I start feeling down or highly strung I will have a break as if I keep going with the D I find it hard to cope as I get too stressed.
After 4 months on the D I am starting to wean myself. I have 2 more scripts but am having more days off and will start every second day. I manage fine on my off days. No real difference really so I am hoping that I have developed new good habits that I can keep for a lifetime.
I hope you have success with the D. Any questions, just ask. There is always someone here who has a good answer.
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Hi Crazydoglady - love the name ;). For me the mind shift is and always has been the biggest problem. What D really helps with is taking the edge of constantly being obsessed with food, which makes health choices so much easier. It is still a decision that you have to make every day, but that is just the thing: take one day at a time and make the best possible decision for today only, tomorrow we do it again.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Thanks guys! reading forums gives me inspiration to continue on. I slept well last night and got hungry by dinner time but couldn't finish my full plate of meat and veg but felt full, so let's see what day 2 brings. At least were all in this together! My plan is to see how the first month goes and if it's going good go to the lower dose for the 2nd month then every 2nd day for the 3rd month and hopefully by then my habits will have changed. 45days to change a habit, so they say!
Sounds like you have a great plan.
What other changes are you making?
The D will not work by itself. You have to have a plan to consciously change the habits that got you here in the first place.
For me it meant a total overhaul. I started by changing my portion sizes. I have always eaten the right foods just way too much. I have switched to a smaller plate and I log everything I eat. Once I had that sorted I added in movement. I am very efficient, meaning I do everything the easiest way and don't move much. I had to make a real effort to increase the amount I move each day. That meant getting a movement tracker and noting how much (or little) I move. I have gradually increased from 6,000 to 10,000+ steps a day.
Oh I'm also back to following the Michelle bridges 12wbt on a 1200cal plan which is great cos it gives me great recipes to follow and for someone who's not used to cooking really give me some encouragement that I can create some healthy food in my own kitchen and ditching dessert every night So yes for me it's a huge overhaul! I started with the cooking back in May and since then my outlook on food has changed but I'm not 100% where I want to be as I always feel hungry and think that's because I'm always thinking about food. I'm also following her exercise program, when I have the time, working long 12hr shifts I'm exhausted when u get home so was hoping I'd get 'the buzz' feeling from the D which I can use to work out.

I know if I can kick my once a day fast food habit I can kick almost anything.... And I've certainly kicked that addiction to Maccas... I've had it once in Australia since and it made me feel sooo yuck!

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