Day 1 ....Give me my body back!!

  • Author Mel2015
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Just started today on 30mg of Duromine after abit of hesitation but here goes.
SW 73.7
GW 60.0.

After all these years its now my time to get my body back that was before the kids and the hubby.
I've always been cautious of my eating and my weight as my family seems to have history of holding onto there excess eight.
Unfortunately exercise has been a bit light due to having bad knees and hips but with my doctors help and some drive I'm sure I can nail this so here goes.

Day 1 I experienced,

Mild chills and a headache later in the afternoon,felt offish and couldn't sleep.
And No Hunger!

Day 2,3 & 4
Mild headache in the evening,the sleeping is getting better,pays to take the tablet early in the morning.

Day 5
All good walking 20 mins every day and doing mild exercises.


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