Day 1: Going Good

  • Author Chrissie70
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi All, Well today is the end of day one for me. All is going well. No real side effects other then being rather thirsty and feeling alert. I think I have drank approx. 3L of water which is GREAT for me. More often than not I forgot to drink water all together.

The Diet: I am taking on the Paleo eating approach, which makes sense to me. Meat, Veg, Eggs and limited fruits. No processed foods, grains and having no dairy means nooo coffee. That's okay tho. I'm pretty sure I only drink the coffee for the sugar anyways. So green tea and peppermint tea it is.

Apps: I have come across some great mobile apps for weight tracking. The one I am using at the moment is called "My Weight". With this one you can set current weight and target weights and the app creates a target for you to meet. So long as you are under the 'green line' you are on track! From time to time I will post my progress from the app. Nothing to show yet tho.

I was a little nervous going into all this but today proved that I had nothing to worry about. I definitely feel as tho I have achieved today, on the diet front.

I will create another entry in a couple of days, or if something changes. I will log on daily to see how everyone else is keeping cause it is great motivation.

SW: 78.9
CW: 78.9
GW: 65.0
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