Day 1 of my journey

  • Author shaypup
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So today is my first day on duromine 30mg.
I weigh 68kg and am 1.58cm tall.
Dr didnt really want to prescribe it to me as she didnt feel I was overweight enough. But believe me I certainly feel it. I would love to hit 62kg.
I turn 40 this year and want look and feel fabulous om my birthday!
So far I have had a dry mouth and have not been hungry but ate some chicken for lunch. I cant wait for the first week to be over to see if this is going to do the trick.
My exercise will not be as much as I would like due to an ankle I jury, but I'll do what I can. This is why i put the weight on to start with but just cant seem to loose it. Bike ride first thing in morning I think. I Hope I sleep ok tonight!


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