Day 1 on duromine 30g

  • Author Muks
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
SW: 96
GW: 65
Need to loose 31kgs

Ive weaned my 1 year old baby off the breast yesterday and started taking D this morning. I live in Pretoria South Africa. Tunning my mind to healthy eating and excercising. Hope i don't indulge a lot during the festive season. I took duromine 8 hours ago. my mouth feels kinda funny, sort of dry, and im light headed (probably because i haven't had anything to eat all day - hectic day at the office).

planning to only weigh in a week from now. Will be taking measurement later today.
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the side effect will probably go away within a week or so, but remember to drink lots of water and don't stop eating. Good luck with your weigh loss especially now during Festive Season
Big Girl SA
Good luck, and please make time to eat and take lots of fluids! I know how hectic things can get here in SA, I live in Pretoria as well, but you have to put yourself first. Doing this will be the first step in the right direction.

Keep us updated :)
Day two, going well. Much better than yesterday. Amazingly energised. No dizziness. Can only eat very little at a time. Im feel very full after a few bites. Snacking on fruit inbetween.
I met a lady today who used Duromine and did not loose any weight.....Got me worried :(
Probably, that woman simply used the pills without having much exercises and dieting. Sadly. You on the other hand is a different story, so don't worry, you'll succeed! Hugs! ;)
Had to put duromine on hold. I started taking it again on the 21st of Decemeber. My last weighin was on the 6th of January. I have lost 6.6kg in 16 days. this is wonderful. i will weigh in again on the 21st of january to see how much I will have lost in a month.
I will only start with exercise today as I was still on holiday.
I changed from 30mg to 15mg and the side effects were lesser.
I now weigh 83.3kgs from 96. This was very speedy i must say.
Dry mouth and nausea are the coomon side effects that I have on and off still.

However, in the past 2 weeks, I haven't lost anything at all. A friend advised hat i change my food or introduce something new to the body. So this week I will be adding on some exercises, at least 3-5 times a week.

What else can i do to keep the weightloss going?
Hi, Muks,
YOU are doing so well, amazing!! it is normal to suddenly have a plateau or slower loss, but remember, to measure yourself too, not just weigh, as you will notice, once you exercise and firm up, you will gain muscle and be heavier on the scale but you will have lost in cm on your body, and your clothes will start to feel to big on you too.. gr8 feeling by the way, lol ... keep doing what you doing as it seems to be doing the trick, fab weight loss is such a short time, remember it is better to lose slow and steady from now on, as you do not want to be flabby and have stretched skin, and you want to keep this weight off for good as well, may you keep inspiring us every week, enjoying your posts , GO ,GO ,GOAL , you can do this , :)
Thanks for the motivation Leigh. I've actually gone and taken my measurements, which I should have done from the start. I'll review these after 4 weeks now that I've started exercising. By the way, its no child's play......I'm half dead by the time I finish an aerobics class (im attending shape, kick and yoga classes and run 4km twice a week).

I've also noticed that I now have cellulite, very visible. Something I did not have while I was heavier. Sounds strange doesn't it. I hope the exercising will firm things up for me.

Hip 115
Arms 37
Waist 100
Bust 103
Thigh 67

I'm carrying a lot of weight on my stomach and back. Will be doing a lot of cardio and toning combination exercises to burn the fat and try get things back in shape.
YOU SOUND LIKE YOU GOT A PLAN, and it sure is working for you ,you go girl !!.. 4KM RUN, IS GR8 FAT BURNER, I AM SOOOO JELOUS.. rowing an weight training will tone your back and tummy in no time !!, cellulite, oh yes, I can so relate to that since losing cm, flabby tummy,yuk! and dimple thighs for the first time in my life, even on my calves, never in my life did I think cellulite would be on my calves, they have always been my best feature on my body, God willing one day they will again ,lol waist is 100 too my thighs are 70cm and my hips 131 !! my biggest area at this stage ,arms 38, bust 110..but I was lucky enough to measure from day one, so I have been able to see the progress in cm loss, and it sure does motivate one, but it also helped me to NOT be so hard on myself, when training, as on my thinnest days {2006} my calf cm and thigh cm ,are not that far off to goal right now, so it sure says how much muscle my body does have in certain areas ,and how much is just an extra layer{s} of fat, like tummy, hips arms and back ,even my neck !! yes measure your neck you will be surprised ! mine was 39cm in july 2014 and it is now 37cm , aiming for 34 cm .. KEEP US POSTED, our measurements are similar, just my hips much bigger than yours ,lol my height is 1.59cm so not a good look with huge hips right now.. lol and to just add, at 96kg these are my measurements and you on 83.3kg and your and my measurements are Similar so it goes to show, how unique each persons body is when losing weight or cm, and no 65kg body at goal weight is going to look exactly the same ,and that is a good thing, those hips of yours are going to be so tiny once you get to 65kg, !!!girl !!! if THIS does not motivate you then NOTHING will hahaha.. your meassurements have motivated me big time, because it means my hips will be your size now when I am in the 80s, and hopefully even smaller too when I reach 65-69 kg, too . lol ... keep doing what you doing it sure is working for you Muks :)
WOW!!! Hard work and dedication sure pay off. I've lost another 1.2kgs in a week. Yeeeeeppyyyyyy!!!!!!!
I've started doing strength training exercises, specifically body conditioning and shape group classes. A combination of barbells, dumbbells, step, and body weight are used. Also running 5km twice a week. Had to add on a bit of carb in my food since I need them for energy now that i'm exercising.
So glad my weight is dropping again.
Next target weight is 79km. Im now on 82.1kgs. I hope I can reach my next mini goal by week of 9th March.
I'll be flaunting my results at a cruise when celebrating my birthday next week!!!!

Happy WeightLoss Ya'll :)
wow !! fantastic, gr8 you have found what works for your body, gr8 results hard work, keep going , inspiring ! :)

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