Day 1 on Duromine - 30mg... And so my journey begins!

  • Author Newbie08
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hey everyone,

Height: 1.72m
Age: 21
Current Weight: 113 kg’s
Goal weight: 75 / 80 kg’s

Not really an open type of person when it comes to things like this – especially weight. It can be a touchy subject. However, I decided to grab it by the horns. I figured it would be nice to join a ‘community’ like this, where everyone shares the good, the bad and the ugly. I have always struggled with my weight but especially so in the past few years. I wasn’t eating very much as I have a rare type of hernia and this makes it very difficult for me to eat anything before lunch time (so once lunch time comes – you can imagine how hungry I am). Some days I would only eat before I went to bed. I think this was my problem as frequent meals are key to successful weight loss. I suffer terribly with nausea because of this hernia but it is starting to come right with some prescribed chronic meds. I’ve tried many diets before and unfortunately everything always came back with a vengeance. My bad habits came back to haunt me.:mad:

This time I will not give up, I am blessed to have an amazing fiancé who supports me in everything I do.. I am going to start going to gym with him in the mornings before work. He is a great motivation – he’s a gym freak and always tries to look his best for me. It’s time for me to now put in an equal effort and look good for him too. I will be getting married in June 2015 so I would love to look absolutely awesome in all my wedding photos!;):oops:

Not only that, but losing weight is a lot better for my health as diabetes is prominent in my family. I have just reached that point where I feel so uncomfortable – clothes are tight, nothing looks right, I constantly feel like people are judging me, shopping is a nightmare because I dislike trying on clothes in front of those evil mirrors.:eek: Etc. etc……

It’s time for me to take control over my weight and let it stop controlling me. LETS DO THIS!!! :)

Any tips & advise would be greatly appreciated. I also want to hear about those victories.:laughing:

I look forward to hearing from you guys!


Hi hi :) Newbie

We all had our struggles and health issues, so don't worry you can do this, since I can see a great motivation - your marriage (and we girls are ready to do anything to look beautiful).
My advice for you to take your time and do your best. Do not starve yourself, if you cannot have breakfast - fine, make it 3 meals a day, small and healthy meals. Just try one thing, then another - you will find your perfect diet plan very soon. It is simple - raw, steamed vegetables, fruit, fat free meat (not fried), eggs, cereals, home-made salad dressings and sauces, fruit salads if you crave sweets....Simply avoid fast food and restaurants. Cooking may take much time at first, but maybe your darling will help;) Oh, and don't forget to drink lots of water daily!

Make sure you take the pill in the morning but at least with a full glass of water or a yogurt maybe? Just to avoid stomachache and insomnia.

Try to walk more, instead of driving a car if you can. Riding a bicycle - perfect. Or swimming in a pool instead of gym. Choose what you prefer.
One step at a time, don't watch others' results, you will have your own. I wish you luck! :)
Thank you so much for the comment & advise! Much appreciated :) It's going to be a great journey. With all this motivation surrounding me and my very first blog attempt, I am positive I will not fail! :)
Awesome :) Yes i've been reading so many stories aswell which is helping me stay more motivated! How are you going? Did you have any side effects to the duromine? :)

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