Day 1 on Duromine 30mg

  • Author WhiteRose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Well this is day one! My current weight is 69.5kgs and my goal is to lose around 10kgs.
Because my height is only 164cm i'm currently overweight according to my BMI.
I was put on duromine because i have a lot of back pain, my GP and i have decided that less weight should mean less strain on my back and hopefully less pain. Since i can't exercise at the moment hopefully the duromine will help me lose some weight + pain and i will be able to exercise in the future to keep the weight off!
I started a strict diet a month ago, 3 meals a day, low calorie and low carb. 1 weight loss shake a day and i managed to lose almost 4kgs.
Combining duromine with a weight loss shake a day will hopefully help me to shed those kgs!
So i took my first pill at around 8:40am this morning, my chemist told me to take them after breakfast, although I have noticed a lot of people on here wake up at 6am and take it, then go back to sleep.. I guess i will see how i go sleeping the next couple of nights and decide if i need to take it earlier.
The first couple of hours i felt nothing, tired as usual, no energy. My mouth started to get really dry and ive drank 4 glasses of water in the last 2 hours (which is what i would usually drink in a whole day).
When i got up to get the last glass of water i noticed i was starting to feel lightheaded.
My mum decided to call me at 12:30pm to see how i'm feeling. In her words i sounded 'drunk' on the phone, and in all honesty i do feel a little tipsy! which is stange for me considering i'm not much of a drinker.
4 1/2 hours in and i was feeling nauseous, definately not hungry but still feel like my mouth is as dry as a desert.
I managed to drink an Optifast vanilla weight loss shake 30minutes ago even though it made me feel sick.
Still feeling a little dizzy/drunk but hopefully it will pass! I started the day off just wanting to close my eyes and lay on the couch, now if i try closing my eyes they pop open again! i don't feel like i have the physical energy to move around but mentally my brain is buzzing. So now might be a good time for me to get some study done!


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  • WhiteRose
    Day Two
    Well ive had zero sleep, which wasn't really a surprise considering everything i've read about...

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