Day 1 on Duromine 30mg

  • Author IWantToBeMeAgain!
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hello everyone!

I'm brand new to this forum so I thought I would start a blog to help me keep track and motivated to lose weight!

Well I am 19 168cm tall and weigh 100kgs.

I have NEVER been this big. And it's depressing that I let myself get this way I started putting on weight about 6 months into my long term relationship with my partner, I'm not blaming him for my weight cause it's defiantly not him putting the junk food down my throat. But Im guessing I just got 'comfortable' with him that i didn't pay much attention to what I was putting into my mouth.

Today is my first day on duromine 30mg (02/09/11) and this morning I felt so 'alive' and energetic and that I could do anything! I was even happy to go to work, usually I would hate going but this morning didn't mind it all... Didn't even think about lunch time which I usually do. My lunch buddy had to come and get me to remind me of lunch!

My lunch buddy (my partners cousin) was the one that got me on duromine. She simply looks amazing after using it! She's so out there now and loves to shop!! I use to love to shop, the feeling of going into any store and literally just taking tones of clothes of the racks to head to the fitting rooms. I can't do that anymore 

BUT soon enough I should be able to :) I'm hoping to get down to 75kgs at least. Gonna take some hard work but I'm pretty keen to get there and surprise everyone that's ever doubted me.

It's 1:40am here in Darwin Australia :( I cannot sleep... But I don't really mind as there is no work tomorrow!!

I've had symptoms such as dry mouth, dizziness (has anyone else gotten it?), and now my first sleepless night.

Geez I ramble on or what?!

Anyways I will keep you posted as to how I'm doing :) any tips you guys can give me for losing weight fast would be awesome!

Ali :) ox


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