Day 1- tick tock

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Well I've survived the first day... I took the tablet 13 hours ago at 15mg.
I'm a real light weight with medications and alcohol etc as I never drink alcohol so my Dr started me off on this low dose. It has worked really well today! I can feel something is in my system. I didn't feel too high or too low. Just aware of it in my system. No dry mouth or any other side effects other than little to no appetite!!! woohoo!

I'm not normally a blog writer but this forum I think will be very helpful over the coming days as I begin this journey. So if you are like me and looking for a bit of inspiration, advice or just to know you aren't the only one out there- feel free to read my post/ chat!

Tonight, just before typing this I was watching a scary program on tv. That got my heart racing a little which triggered a minor panic attack. I thankfully was able to calm myself down and realise it was just me and not the tablet. The idea of having side effects has caused some stress but its a self perpetuating cycle really. I'm getting stressed about the idea of side effects and over analysing every small thing which in turn causes anxiety.
Anyway, here's a little of my story...

All my life I've been fit and healthy/ avid sports player. Then when I fell pregnant with my daughter who is now about to turn 3 my body fell to pieces. I was so sick with morning sickness and vomiting 20x a day easily. This left me with a vast array of complications. However, once my daughter was born everything was fantastic. I was so happy and breastfeeding was so easy. Life was great! Except I couldn't shift the weight. No matter what I have done over the last few years my weight has virtually stayed the same! Its so weird I haven't put on weight (stayed within 2 kg) of my post pregnancy weight.
This is where it makes me laugh but also frustrated at the same time. I'm incredibly fit now I play netball (centre) multiple games of squash per week plus 3x a week at the gym plus I do atleast 10,000 steps a day incidentally from work and with my daughter. Yet I still have 15-20kg to lose. I'm going to see a dietician to get an understanding too.
So I'm really hoping this will give my body some sort of kick start to losing 5-10kg on this tablet.

Sorry for my long story but if you are wide awake tonight I'm sure this will give you something to read.

Take care...

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Heeeey Tara! That is so cool that you didn’t get the bad effects of Duromine, and only the good one! Just keep in mind that despite no hunger you should eat – healthy and small meals.

Feel free to share your thoughts and feelings. Believe me, it can be a real help during weight loss progress, so don’t hesitate to write.

Hopefully, the dietician will help you and does his job really well. Please, don’t forget to inform him about the exercises you do. If there is any certain schedule, ask the doctor to give you an approximate eating plan for each day. I would also suggest to let him know that you are on Duromine, because you need to help Duromine aid your metabolism boost through sufficient amount of calories and small intervals between meals, instead of very very low daily caloric value and further weight regain, when you stop Duromine and hunger comes back. Hope, this makes any sense… The main thing is to think ahead and introduce habitual changes that you will be able to stick to after the course.

Best of luck to you, Tara, and keep it strong!
Hi, thanks for your message. I've been away on holiday sorry for the delayed response. I'm now 10 days into Duromine 15mg and feeling good. I'm thankful that after the first couple of days where I had nausea I'm now fine! My only current side effect is mild bloating/constipation. I'm taking movicol to help things a long but its still frustrating. My appetite is definitely dulled but still there in a good way! I'm able to eat well but a lot smaller amounts. I dont' have the same sugar cravings and desire for food.
I've always eaten well but just too much. Eg home made muesli is healthy but packed full of calories from seeds, nuts etc I dont' need. So I've been tracking my calories to see where I need to reign it in.
I'm yet to weigh in and will do in a week or so.
One thing ive learnt since doing this is the calorie value of foods. Foods can appear 'light' but are very calorie dense.
Oh, I am glad you came back and I am happy that everything goes rather well. I am so sorry that you have to suffer from constipation… hope it will get better soon and you will enjoy watching good weight loss results. =) I like your approach to eating. Very wise! Well done and have a great weekend!

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