Day 1 Trying Duromine 30mg in a different approach - 1-2 week only.

  • Author cherrycola
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Just started on Duromine 30 yesterday.

After reading many many negative/side effects that it has on many different body shapes, I decided to incorporate Duro in miniscule amounts, though my doctor recommended to take it daily.

I heard some people taking it every 2 day, however I decided to take on this challenge in a different manner that I think will work for me.

I understand how Phentermine/Duro affect the body. There will be highs and lows. Your liver wont process the drug well if you dont eat healthy and keep hydrated. I def. dont want sleeplessness and mood swings during work days so I decided to take Duro would be on days off.

I think the body needs more time to adapt to weightloss + also good healthy mind is important while you are on and off it. I didn't want the drug to take over me.

Hence, I decided to stick with a small dose for longer period of time. I will confirm that this is ok with my GP next week.

Effects it had on me 1st time:
Concentrated on DEEP BREATHING- Thanks to this technique I think throughout the entire day I was feeling euphoric and happy.

Took it at 8AM with a Large glass of water.
Went back to bed.

-On the days I take Duromine I will goto my Pilates session, bike ride, walk 1 hour, or do my dvd exercises.

-Ate my breakfast cereal (which contained minerals and vitamins)
-Drink H20 3litres (sometimes mix juice to prevent sugar drop)
-Drink a protein shake after my exercise or for lunch
-Take Spirulina
-Take Metamucil
-Eat salad and lean protein for dinner.

Even if I am sleepless and awake sleep early. I can play with my phone or just rest my body
Have a nap or lie down when you feel gittery. (body is telling you that it needs to stop and rest).

*Days when I am not taking Duro, like today, I will do my normal 4 km walk +take a Livatone to detoxify + strengthen liver
Try to have Infra red sauna or hot bath (30mins) session once a week as well.


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