Day 1 - When does the yo-yo stop rising?

  • Author meatpopsicle
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So I've gone up and down in weight throughout my adult life, but I'm the heaviest I've ever been by far. Even at 9 months pregnant I was nowhere near this heavy! And now that I'm past 45 it's so hard to lose it.

Not that I've really been trying lately... let's be honest, for the past 2 years I've sat on my ever expanding arse and just been eating, eating, eating my way through anything in the house!

January 2015 is the last time I was at a healthy weight (I was a shade under 60kg), but I got lazy - there's no excuse for it. I just gained and gained, and I kept telling myself I'd do something about it but I was lying to myself. When I got over 85kg I went to the doctor to see if I had hormone issues or thyroid problems. Nope - just Fat Arse Syndrome. I did make one positive change; I gave up smoking 4 months ago. But since then I've gained 4kg. And this HAS TO STOP.

I'm 92.5kg, and I'm only 160cm tall. I'm clinically obese, and I need to get down under 60kg, not just so I can stop wearing the same fugly muumuus day in and day out, but for my health. I'm so terribly unfit I can't walk up a flight of stairs without getting puffed! I can't run around with my kids, and the last thing I want is them being ashamed of their fat mum, or thinking being this overweight is normal. I want to change their life for the better by changing mine.

So here I am.

My first 30mg dose of Duromine was taken at 7am today. I'm using MyFitnessPal to track calories, but I'm also giving OptiFast shakes a go (my first one was shite, by the way - why don't the lumps come out? Why can't you put boiling water in them???). And I have my dreadmill all set up in the spare room so there's NO EXCUSE not to exercise. I'll start with 30 min walking on it a day, at least 5 days a week, and as my fitness increases I'll think about other ways to exercise.

So far I've had the wide-eyed staring thing for about 2 hours over 'lunchtime' and then felt a bit dry-mouthed, shaky and spacey for an hour after that, like a speed comedown. Feeling pretty normal right now (4pm). Only had the smallest hunger craving around midday, which is when I had my OptiFast. Aside from that I've only drunk tea, coffee and water. Lots of water.

Haven't done any measurements - might update with those later.

Bring it on!


Hello Meatpopsicle (love the 5th element! =)) Welcome to the forum! I like your determination and I like that you are true to yourself. In addition, you have the best motivation! And no excuses for not exercising anymore! Fantastic! The only thing that I don’t like is your decision not to eat anything. Tea, coffee, water and a single Optifast shake is not the best idea. Sorry, no advice from me about the lumps.

You yourself say that you’re a big eater, right? Well, Duromine is intended to help you reduce the size of your portions and stick to healthy foods, not having any cravings for junk. Well, use it. Otherwise, you will not be able to maintain the weight when you finish Duromine. You need to think about this right from the start of the course. I am sure that you will figure it all out and I wish you a wonderful weight loss journey! Cheers!
Hi April, and thank you for the cheer leading! I have a long road ahead so hopefully this blog will help keep me honest.

You're absolutely right about today's eating (or lack of) and I'm about to sit down to a dinner of chicken (CHICKEN - GOOD) and vegetables, so I'm not being completely silly. I was just enjoying my first day of not wanting to hoover up everything in sight for a change :)

Multipass :laughing:

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