Day 1

  • Author Stitchey
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So today is the first day of my Duromine journey. Over the years I've tried a few diets - optislim, michelle bridges and light n easy. I always lose motivation and end up putting the weight back on in the following months. I weighed myself a week ago and I was 91kg. The heaviest I've ever been :'( I made an appointment with my dr to discuss my options and he prescribed me Duromine 30mg. He said I should continue on light n easy because it's worked for me before and everything is already measured out for me.

I filled my script yesterday and took my first tablet at 5am today. I went back to bed and sleep in until about 8am then lay in bed a while reading through the forums on this website. Eventually got up at 9 and weighed myself to get my starting weight - 90 exactly. So depressing that I've let myself get to this size. But I'm motivated and I'll lose this weight and finally get down to the healthy weight range.

After showering and getting ready for the day I decided I should probably have some breakfast. I didn't feel hungry but figured I should eat. I also made a coffee and sat down to watch a movie. It's now 11:30 and I haven't finished my bowl of yoghurt but the coffee is gone and I'm not hungry. My stomach is rumbling but it's weird, I don't feel like I need to eat.

As yet I haven't experienced the extreme dry mouth a lot of people complained of. I'm kinda hoping it will come because I need a reminder to drink more water. I was actually a little nervous about starting because I've read so many posts about the side effects. Maybe they'll come. I haven't got the burst of energy people talk about either. It's all been a little anticlimactic actually.

Anyways, there's nothing else to really talk about seeing as it's my first day so I'm just going to document my stats below so they are written down for me to reference back to.

SW 90kg
GW 70kg
Height 164cm
Starting date 10/1/15
First goal 85kg by the end of my first month (10/2/15)
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Welcome to the group :) this is a journey & will take time... always remember that you are not alone we are all on this journey with you ;) you will have some fantastic highs & may even some lows :oops:however the Duromine is amazing & is life changing :p.. Keep your motivation stay focused and remember you are important you matter ;) tomorrow is another day if you get of track... I use my fitness pal app I log in my calories every day I find this helps me to be accountable :cool:and each week I put in my stats in good or bad :eek::)Keep writing your blog this helps with motivation & keeping you honest it's the only place where I can write the truth & not be judged if I have a bad week everyone is so support.. Have a fantastic week wishing you a lighter scale for your next weigh in :)
Hi. just wondering how youre doing? im also 3. Cheers cassie

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