Day 1

  • Author chrissykay23
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
hey my name is chrissy
Im 22 year old girl who weighs 76.5kg! (it may not seem alot but it is for me!)
today is my frist day of duromine and i must say i was scared from what i read that it was all going to happen to me!! i picked my script up this morning and took it at 9am after breaky!
there was no side effects besides the odd jab/ stabbing pain in the chest area for a few seconds sometimes it felt like a bit of pressure for a minute. but no big deal... one thing i have noticed is im not hungry and there is no feeling of wanting somthing to snack on! during work theres always some bickkys or cake that i would usally grab and eat! but today there was no feeling for it! it was really odd! id look at it and didnt feel like it!! iv never had that feeling before!! when lunch time came around i was slightly hungry so iv dug into my cous cous salad and half way through im FULL!! if i wasnt on duromine i would have already eaten the whole salad! 30 mins later would have felt hungry and bought somthing to snack on! i want to eat so iv made sure iv brought some grapes for a snack a salad for lunch (that i havent eaten all) and plenty of water! talking about water i do have symptoms of dry mouth but nothing serious!! just the odd feeling of "im thirsty!" which i never am! i usally would have a sip of water for a whole day! so its good im drinking now!! the only bad thing is "the headaches!!" iv had it all day and im not sure if i should take panadol?!

other then that things are going well!! its only day one and im enjoying it! i want to be able to get to 65kgs and settle there!! i once was and it was a comfotable weight! and thats the only reason for me taking this! iv tried everything and nothing is working.. i eat too much of the good stuff and im not losing but putting on the weight! so its a good outlook on how much i should be eating and drinking plenty of water!!
i hope things dont get worse in terms of mood swings or anything else! but ill keep you guys informed and let you no my weightloss next friday!!


Good luck Chrissy! Make sure you still eat more than just a veggie salad.
Thanks kate! Sure will! Just want to know if I can take panadol on duromine?

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2 min read
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